2308 Portable Device Battery/Charger Simulator The Model 2308 Portable Device Battery/Charger Simulator is optimized for use in testing mobile phones and other portable, battery-operated devices . When a device-under-test (DUT) transi- tions nearly instantaneously from a sleep or standby mode to the full power transmit state, the Model 2308s rapid response to load changes means theres little transient voltage drop from the programmed output voltage and the output recovers quickly . This fast response is particu- larly critical when testing portable devices with a pulsed mode of operation because it allows the device to perform properly while its being tested . In contrast, the slow-responding source voltage typical of conventional power supplies causes the DUT to perform improperly, lead- ing to production yield problems and costly r etest i ng . The Model 2308 offers a complete solution for portable device sourcing and load current measure- specialized dual-channel power ment . It has two independent power supply channels: one is optimized to simulate a battery the supply for design and testing second channel is optimized to perform like a charger for a rechargeable battery . The battery chan- of portable, battery-operated nels variable output resistance can be used to simulate the internal resistance of a battery so design devices and test engineers can simulate a batterys output for testing devices under realistic operating con- ditions . This channel also sinks current to simulate a discharged battery . The charger channel can ultra-fast response to pulsed supply a voltage to test a portable devices battery charge control circuitry, with the battery channel load operation acting as the discharged battery load . speed-optimized command set In addition to maintaining output voltage levels under difficult load conditions, the Model 2308 reduces test times can measure a wide dynamic range of load current levels and can measure narrow current pulses (or pulses as narrow as 50s) . That makes it ideal for characterizing device power consumption by Variable output resistance for making low-level sleep mode measurements as well as pulsed operating load currents . simulating an actual batterys output response Maximize production yield with fast response to load changes simulate a discharged battery Mobile phones, other portable devices (such as Bluetooth headsets, MP3 players, etc . ), and RF com- and test charge control circuit ponents such as power amplifiers, power transistors, and transmitter modules experience large performance with both a instantaneous load changes when they transition from a standby state to full power operation . For a battery supply that can sink up mobile phone, the load current can change from to 3a and a charger supply aPPl ICaTIo Ns a 100mA standby current to a 1A transmission current or a 10 (1000%) increase in the load Pulse peak, average, and Design and test of a wide current . The Model 2308 maintains a reliable, baseline current measurements range of consumer electronics, stable level of voltage output, even when the including: Integrating a/D converter for DUT produces large load current changes and/or more precise measurements has a pulsed operating mode . Mobile phones, mobile radios, cordless phones, and bluetooth 100na current measurement The Model 2308s fast recovery from load headsets sensitivity changes helps prevent the causes of false failures and destroyed devices in production test as well MP3 players, portable digital analog output for complete as field failure quality problems due to compro- assistants (PDas), digital load current waveform mised components . The Model 2308 assures you cameras, GPs receivers, and characterization of a stable, constant voltage source to maximize notebook computers production yield and minimize production retest Catch production wiring Design and test of electronic and rework costs . problems immediately with components such as rf IC power open sense-lead detection amplifiers, rf power transistors, and baseband and wireless built-in digital voltmeter chipsets for portable wireless f our built-in digital control lines devices 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A Greater Measure of Confidence Fast transient response power supply DC POWER SUPPLIES Fast transient response power supply2308 Portable Device Battery/Charger Simulator Conventional Power Supply Model 2308 ordering Information 2308 Portable Device battery/ Charger simulator I I (500mA/ (500mA/ accessories supplied div) div) CD with documentation, V V output connectors mating (500mV/ (500mV/ terminal (part no. Cs-846) div) div) aCCEssor IEs aVaIl abl E Time 100s/div Time 100s/div 2306-DISP Remote Display CS-846 Mating Output Connector Compare the response of a conventional power supply (left) with the response of a Model SC-182 Low Inductance Coaxial Cable 2308 (right) when both are powering a device operating on the EDGE mobile phone standard. IEEE-488 INTErfa CE CoNTroll Er Car Ds Note how the conventional power supply distorts the load current and cannot maintain a KPCI-488LPA IEEE-488 . 2 Interface Board for the PCI bus stable source voltage, which in turn distorts the rf output signal. KUSB-488B IEEE-488 . 2 USB-to-GPIB Interface Adapter for USB Port with built-in 2m (6 . 6ft) cable r educe test costs and increase mode, allow taking a number of measurements IEEE-488 INTErfa CE Cabl Es on a complex load current waveform with a throughput with high speed 7007-05 Double Shielded Premium IEEE-488 Cable, 0 . 5m (1 . 6ft) single command . command structure 7007-1 Double Shielded Premium IEEE-488 Cable, 1m (3 . 2ft) 7007-2 Double Shielded Premium IEEE-488 Cable, 2m (6 . 5ft) To minimize production test times while still Characterize load currents for 7007-3 Double Shielded Premium IEEE-488 Cable, 3m (10ft) giving you all the information you need to char- 7007-4 Double Shielded Premium IEEE-488 Cable, 4m (13ft) power consumption verification acterize your devices fully, the Model 2308 is r aCK Mou NT KITs Characterizing the battery life of portable designed with a command structure optimized 4288-1 Single Fixed Rack Mount Kit devices demands the ability to measure complex for speed, with voltage step times as short as 4288-2 Dual Fixed Rack Mount Kit current waveforms over a wide dynamic range . 6ms and DC load current measurements in just sEr VICEs aVaIl abl E The Model 2308 offers a far broader range of 22ms . Commands that combine range changing 2308-3Y-EW 1-Year Factory Warranty Extended to 3 Years for capabilities than conventional power supplies for and current measurement let you acquire the the Model 2308 measuring low current levels, peak pulse current command, make the measurement, and transfer 2308-3Y-17025 3 (ISO-17025 Accredited) Calibrations within 3 the data in as little as 30ms . In addition, special levels, long-period load current waveforms, and Years of Purchase operating modes, such as the pulse current step multi-level current waveforms . A choice of four 2308-3Y-DATA 3 (ANSI-Z540-1 Compliant) Calibrations within 3 Years of Purchase Your DC source leads are a transmission line when your Model 2308 vs. Conventional portable device operates in a narrow pulsed mode. Power supplies Under pulsed operating conditions, your load circuit is an L-C-R network and that load impe- Large load changes will cause a large instan- dance can cause problems for your power supply . Keithleys fast transient power supplies are taneous drop in a conventional power sup- designed to maintain a stable voltage under difficult, narrow pulse, loading conditions and to plys voltage output . If the supplys recovery maintain the output voltage, even with long lengths of wire between the power supply and the time is long, the DUT will turn off when the DUT . The design of your DC sourcing test circuit requires just as much effort as your AC or RF supply voltage falls below the DUTs low test circuits . Using a fast transient response, battery simulating power supply needs to be a key battery turn-off thresholdproducing a part of your DC test c ircuit design . false failure . Even if the DUT does not turn off, the drop-off in input power prevents the output (RF or a power pulse) from dI meeting its specificationa specification dt failure . Furthermore, the conventional power supply may have an excessively large Load Current overshoot when the DUTs load current Source Leads transitions from its operating load back to DUT its standby load . The magnitude of the tran- sient overshoot voltage could even be large Sense Leads enough to exceed the maximum safe input Power Source voltage, either rendering the device inoper- able or damaging some componentsa The DC source leads become a transmission line during dynamic load swings. device failure or a field failure. 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) www.keithley.com A Greater Measure of Confidence Fast transient response power supply DC POWER SUPPLIES Fast transient response power supply