X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 608-H1 Antistatic Control Products across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 608-H1 Antistatic Control Products are a product manufactured by Testo. We provide cost-effective solutions for Antistatic Control Products, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

608-H1 Testo

608-H1 electronic component of Testo
608-H1 Testo
608-H1 Antistatic Control Products
608-H1  Tools & Supplies

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See Product Specifications
Part No. 608-H1
Manufacturer: Testo
Category: Antistatic Control Products
Description: HYGROMETER, 10% TO 95%, 3% ACCURACY
Datasheet: 608-H1 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 128.923 ea
Line Total: USD 128.92 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
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Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 128.923

Product Category
Humidity Range
Resolution C
External Height
External Width
External Depth
Battery Lifetime
Operating Temperature Max
Operating Temperature Min
Temperature Measuring Range
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 608-H1 from our Antistatic Control Products category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 608-H1 and other electronic components in the Antistatic Control Products category and beyond.

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Stock Image TESTO 830-T1 0560 8311
Infrared thermometer; -30÷400°C; Opt.resol:10:1; e:0,1÷1
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image TESTO 905-T1 0560 9055
Temperature meter; Man.series: Pocket; Display: LCD; -50÷350°C
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Stock Image 0590 0010
Test lead; Equipment: test leads ( 2pcs.)
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 0602 0645
K-type temperature probe; -50÷400°C; Accur: ±2,5°C; 1.5m; <5s
Stock : 4
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Stock Image 0628 0020
K-type temperature probe; -50÷120°C; 395mm; Accur: ±1,5°C; <90s
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 0602 0644
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0590 0011
Test lead; Equipment: test leads ( 2pcs.)
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 0628 7503
NTC-type temperature probe; -30÷90°C; Probe l:40mm; <190s
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 0590 7450
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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Antistatic Control Products Heel Grounder 1 MegaOhm
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Antistatic Control Products HEEL GROUNDER, WESCORP, ECONOMY
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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Antistatic Control Products Heel Strap
Stock : 1
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Stock Image STP1110
Bin; ESD; L:138mm; W:93mm; H:46mm; black
Stock : 0
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Stock Image STW41490102
Floor mat; ESD; L: 0.11m; W: 0.49m; Thk: 6.5mm; grey (dark); 280%
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 52946
Protective gloves; Size: 8,M; red; polyester; Opty
Stock : 24
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Stock Image VV736BL10
Protective gloves; Size: 10; light-blue; THRYM VV736
Stock : 9
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C oderF einstellen Messmen Anzeige blinkt Hinweis Technische Daten testo 608-H1/H2 - Technical Data testo 608-H1/H2 Setting C or F Measurement menu Display flashes Messgren Bei testo 608 - H 2 zustzlich einstellen 3 mal SET bettigen, zurck C F Messgren Feuchte / Temperatur (C F) / Taupunkt testo 608 - H1/H2 (C, F) zum Messmen % Parameters Humidity / Temperature (C F) / Dew point 48.4 Note Messwertaufnehmer Feuchtesensor / NTC C Setting Additionally with testo 608 - H 2 24.2 Sensor Humidity sensor / NTC Bedienungsanleitung parameters Activate SET 3 times and return Messbereich testo 608 - H1 10...95 %rF / %RH (C, F) to measurement menu Instruction manual Measuring range testo 608 - H1 0...+50 C / 32...+122 F oder -20...50 Ctd / -4...122 Ftd 3 s or Messbereich testo 608 - H2 2...98 %rF / %RH Measuring range testo 608 - H2 -10...+70 C / 14...+160 F -40...70 Ctd / -40...160 Ftd Alarmeinstellungen (nur testo 608 - H 2) / Alarm settings (testo 608 - H 2 only) Genauigkeit testo 608 - H1 3 %rF/%RH (bei/at +25 C/77 F) Accuracy testo 608 - H1 0.5 C / 1F (bei/at + 25 C/77 F) Alarm fr Unterschreitung Alarm fr berschreitung Genauigkeit testo 608 - H2 2 %rF/%RH (bei/at +25 C/77 F) aktivieren ON Alarm fr aktivieren ON Accuracy testo 608 - H2 0.5 C / 1F (bei/at 25 C/77 F) Alarm fr Unter- deaktivieren OFF berschreitung deaktivieren OFF Auflsung 0,1 %rF/ 0,1 C schreitung blinkt Lower alarm: blinkt Upper alarm: Resolution 0.1 %RH / 0.1 C/0.1 F Undershoot alarm Messmen activate ON Exceed alarm activate ON Alarm aktivieren flashes Display LCD, 2-zeilig Measurement menu deactivate OFF flashes deactivate OFF Display LCD, 2 lines / deaktivieren Messtakt 18 sec. % Measuring rate 18 s Activating/ 48.4 C Einsatztemperatur testo 608 - H1 0...+50 C deactivating the 24.2 Application temperature for testo 608 - H1 32 to 122F Alarm alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm ON OFF ON OFF Einsatztemperatur testo 608 - H2 -10...+70 C Application temperature for testo 608 - H2 14...+160F oder oder 3 sec halten Lagertemperatur -40...+70 C or 2 x +1x drcken or Storage temperature -40...+160F Hold for 3 s Batterie-Typ 9 V- Block Press x1 Battery type 9 V block Batterie-Standzeit ca. 1 Jahr Battery lifetime Approx. 1 year Messgre fr Messgre auswhlen Alarm blinkt Gehuse ABS silber mattiert (%, C, F, td) Parameter for alarm Housing ABS silver matted Messmen Selecting parameter Messgre fr flashes Measurement menu (%, C, F, td) Hinweis Mae (B/H/T) 111 mm / 90 mm / 40 mm Alarm Dimensions (W/H/D) Das Festlegen der Grenzwerte (%, C, F, td) C fr Alarm ist nur fr eine Gewicht 168 g td auswhlen % % % 48.4 Weight 168 g Messgre mglich. C Garantie 1 Jahr Note Select 24.2 Alarm Alarm Messgert konform zu EN 61 326-1:1997 Warranty 1 year The alarm limit values can parameter for Measuring instrument conforms with EN 61 326-1:1997 only be set for one parameter. alarm oder Hinweise (%, C, F, td) Hinweise zum testo 608 - H2 3 sec halten - Batterien einlegen, das Gert schaltet ein auf Dauerbetrieb or - Sie knnen im Gert einen Alarm einstellen (Display-Anzeige ), der ausgelst wird, wenn +3 mal drcken - berwachen der Batteriekapazitt die gemessenen Grenzwerte berschritten werden. Die Alarm-Einstellungen sind frei whlbar Hold for 3 s Erscheint Batteriesymbol im Display kann wie folgt noch im Dauerbetrieb gemessen werden: fr die Messgren rel. Feuchte, Taupunkt oder Temperatur. Das Festlegen der Grenzwerte Press x3 - testo 608 - H1 ca. 14 Tage fr Alarm ist nur fr eine Messgre mglich. Werkseitig ist der Alarm fr die Messgre - testo 608 - H2 ca. 8 Tage (bei blinkendem Alarm) rel. Feuchte aktiviert. - Kein Verlust der Einstellungen bei Batteriewechsel. Oberen Grenzwert - Ihr Gert kann direkt vor Ort auf einen Referenz-Feuchte-Fhler von Testo abgeglichen Unteren Grenzwert fr Alarm anzeigen werden (weitere Informationen siehe Beilegeblatt). fr Alarm anzeigen Instructions Anzeige der Displays upper limit Messmen Displays lower limit - Put in batteries, the instrument switches to continuous operation Notes on testo 608 - H2 Grenzwerte fr value for alarm Measurement menu value for alarm - Battery capacity is monitored - You can set an alarm (display ) which is triggered when the measured limit values are Alarm (Bedingung: If the battery symbol appears in the display, you can still measure in continuous operation: exceeded. The alarm settings are freely selectable for the relative humidity, dew point or ist aktiviert) - testo 608 - H1 approx. 14 days temperature parameters. The limit values for the alarm can only be set for one parameter. % % 2.0 98.0 % 48.4 - testo 608 - H2 approx. 8 days (flashing alarm) The alarm for the relative humidity parameter is set by the factory. C Displays limit - Settings are not lost when battery is changed. - Your instrument can be calibrated on site to a reference humidity probe from Testo (see 24.2 Alarm Alarm Supplementary sheet for more information). values for alarm Segmenttest / Segment test Messmen / Measurement menu Batterie (condition: anschlieen (auf is activated) C richtige Polung achten) 3 x td % % - 48.4 Max Min C Connect battery C 24.2 zustzlich bei testo 608 - H 2 - Alarm (ensure polarity is 2 s Unteren Grenzwert Unterer Grenzwert Unteren Grenzwert Unteren Grenzwert OFF ON Applies additionally to testo 608 - H 2 correct) fr Alarm anzeigen fr Alarm blinkt fr Alarm einstellen fr Alarm besttigt Messmen Displaying lower Lower limit value Setting lower limit Lower limit value for Oberen Grenzwert fr Alarm Unteren Grenzwert fr Alarm Measurement menu limit value for alarm for alarm flashes value for alarm alarm is confirmed anzeigen (wenn aktiviert) anzeigen (wenn aktiviert) Display upper limit value for Display lower limit value for Messmen MIN-Wert anzeigen MAX-Wert anzeigen alarm (if activated) Measurement menu Displaying MIN value Displaying MAX value alarm (if activated) % 2.0 % % % % 48.4 2.0 12.0 12.0 MIN/MAX-Wert C anzeigen % 24.2 Grenzwerte fr Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm % % % 48.4 42.3 52.7 2.0 % 98.0 Min Max Alarm einstellen C Displaying C C Bedingung: 24.2 12.5 28.9 MIN/MAX value Alarm Alarm 3 x ist aktiviert Oberen Grenzwert fr Oberer Grenzwert Oberen Grenzwert Oberen Grenzwert fr Setting limit Alarm anzeigen fr Alarm blinkt fr Alarm einstellen Alarm besttigt values for alarm Displaying upper Upper limit value Setting upper limit Upper limit value for Condition: limit value for alarm for alarm flashes value for alarm alarm is confirmed is activated MIN-Wert anzeigen Reset MIN-Wert MAX-Wert anzeigen Reset MAX-Wert Messmen Hinweis Displaying MIN value Resetting MIN value Displaying MAX value Resetting MAX value Measurement menu Zustzlich bei testo 608 - H 2 % % % Reset 98.0 % 85.5 85.5 98.0 2 mal MODE drcken, zurck MIN/MAX-Wert zum Messmen % % % % Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm 48.4 42.3 48.4 52.7 48.4 Min Max Max Min Note Resetting C C C C Additionally with testo 608 - H 2 24.2 24.2 24.2 12.5 28.9 MIN/MAX value Press MODE twice, return to measurement menu 3 s 3 s Hinweis Blinkende LED solange, bis SET bettigt wird. Wurde der aktivierte Alarm-Grenzwert (angezeigt mit ) einmal Messmen Hinweis ber- Measurement menu ber- oder unterschritten erscheint im Display Der ber- oder unterschrittene Grenzwert bleibt erhalten /Unterschreiten - bei Unterschreitung und wird als MIN/MAX-Wert im MODE-Men angezeigt. der aktivierten Messmen Taupunkt anzeigen rel. Feuchte anzeigen - bei berschreitung Eventuell Reset der MIN/MAX-Werte durchfhren. Messgren ein- Grenzwerte fr % Measurement menu Displaying dew point Displaying relative humidity 48.4 und es blinkt das LED. stellen (td, %rF) Alarm C Flashing LED until SET is confirmed. Note 24.2 td % % Note Setting Exceeding/under- 48.4 15.6 48.4 If the activated alarm limit value (displayed with ) has been The exceeded or undershot limit value is retained and is parameters C C shooting the C exceeded or undershot, the following appears in the display 24.2 24.2 24.2 shown as MIN/MAX value in the MODE menu. Reset of (td, %RH) activated alarm - if limit value is undershot LED MIN/MAX values may have to be carried out. limit values - if limit value is exceeded and the LED flashes. oder oder or or 0973.6080/T/wh/PC qxd/12.00 Ajustar C o F Men de medicin El visualizador parpadea Nota Datos tcnicos de testo 608-H1/H2 - Caractristiques techniques testo 608-H1/H2 rglage de C ou F Menu mesure Affichage clignote Ajustar Adicionalmente con testo 608-H2 parmetros Activar SET 3 veces y regresar C F Parmetros Humedad / Temperatura (C F) / Punto de roco testo 608 - H1/H2 (C, F) al men de medicin % Paramtres Humidit / Temperature (C F) / Point de rose 48.4 Nota: Sensor Sensor de humedad / NTC C Rglage des pour le testo 608 - H 2 Activer 24.2 Capteur Capteur dhumidit / CTN Manual de instrucciones paramtres SET 3 fois et retour au menu Rango de medicin testo 608 - H1 10...95 %HR / %RH (C, F) mesure Mode demploi Measuring range testo 608 - H1 0...+50 C / 32...+122 F o -20...50 Ctd / -4...122 Ftd 3 s ou Rango de medicin testo 608 - H2 2...98 %HR / %RH Etendue de mesure testo 608 - H2 -10...+70 C -40...70 Ctd Ajustar alarma (slo testo 608 - H 2) / Rglage de lalarme (testo 608 - H 2 seult) Exactitud testo 608 - H1 3 %HR/%RH (a/at +25 C/77 F) Prcision testo 608 - H1 0.5 C ( + 25 C) Alarma inferior Parpadea la Alarma superior Exactitud testo 608 - H2 2 %HR/%RH (a/at +25 C/77 F) activar ON alarma activar ON Accuracy testo 608 - H2 0.5 C ( + 25 C) Parpadea la alarma desactivar OFF sobrepasada desactivar OFF Resolucin 0,1 %HR/ 0,1 C no alcanzada Alarme min.: Alarme pour Alarme max.: Rsolution 0.1 %HR (0 100% HR) / 0.1 C Activar/ Alarme dpassement Men de medicin active ON dpas. val. max active ON desactivar la val.lim min. clignote Visualizador LCD, 2 lneas Menu mesure dsactive OFF clignote dsactive OFF Affichage LCD, 2 lignes alarma Intervalo de medicin 18 seg. % Cadence de mesure 18 s Activer/ 48.4 C Temperatura de aplicacin para testo 608 - H1 0...+50 C dsactiver 24.2 Temprature dutilisation pour testo 608 - H1 0...+50 C Alarm lalarme Alarm Alarm Alarm ON OFF ON OFF Temperatura de aplicacin para testo 608 - H2 -10...+70 C Temprature dutilisation pour testo 608 - H2 -10...+70 C o o Retener durante Temperatura de almacenamiento -40...+70 C ou 2 x 3 s. Presionar x1 ou Temprature de stockage -40...+70 C maintenir 3 sec Tipo de pila 9 V- cuadrada et presser 1 x Pile 9 V Vida de la pila aprox. 1 ao Autonomie pile env.1 an Parpadea el parmetro Seleccionar parmetro para alarma Caja ABS cromado mate (%, C, F, td) Les paramtres pour Botier ABS argent mat Men de medicin Slectionnez paramtres Seleccionar el Nota alarme clignotent Menu mesure (%, C, F, td) Medidas (a/h/l) 111 mm / 90 mm / 40 mm parmetro para Los valores lmite de alarma Dimensions alarma C solo pueden ajustarse para un Peso 168 g td (%, C, F, td) % parmetro. % % 48.4 Poids 168 g Note C Garanta 1 ao Slection dun 24.2 Le rglage des valeurs limites Alarm Alarm Instrumento de medicin conforme con EN 61 326-1:1997 Garantie 1 an paramtre de lalarme nest possible que Appareil conforme EN 61 326-1:1997 (%, C, F, td) pour une grandeur de mesure.. o Instrucciones pour lalarme Notas en testo 608 - H2 Retener durante - Colocar las pilas, el instrumento cambia a funcionamiento contnuo ou - Vd. puede ajustar una alarma (se visualiza ), que se dispara cuando se sobrepasan los 3 s. Presionar x3 - Se visualiza la carga de la pila valores lmite medidos. Los ajustes de alarma son libremente seleccionables para los Maintenir 3 sec. Si aparece el smbolo en el visualizador, Vd. an puede medir en funcionamiento en contnuo: parmetros de humedad relativa, punto de roco o temperatura. Los valores lmite para Presser 3 x - testo 608 - H1 aprox. 14 das alarma slo pueden ajustarse para un parmetro. La alarma para el parmetro de humedad - testo 608 - H2 aprox. 8 das (alarma parpadeando) relativa se ajusta en fbrica. - Los ajustes no se pierden mientras se cambia la pila Visualizar el valor lmite Visualizar el valor lmite - Su instrumento puede calibrarse in situ desde una sonda de humedad de referencia de Visualizar inferior para alarma superior para alarma Testo (ver hoja suplementaria para ms informacin). Instructions valores lmite Afficher val.lim. Afficher val. lim. Men de medicin - Mettre les piles, lappareil se met en utilisation continue Nota pour le testo 608 - H2 para alarma min. pour alarme max. pour alarme Menu mesure - Contrle de ltat de charge des piles - Vous pouvez rgler une alarme ( saffiche sur lcran) qui se dclencle quand la valeur (condicin: Si le symbole apparait sur lcran, les mesures peuvent tre poursuivies pour: limite mesure est dpasse. Lalarme est rglable au choix pour les paramtres humidit est activada) - le testo 608 - H1 env. 15 jours rel. , pt de rose ou temprature. La dtermination dune valeur limite nest possible que % % 2.0 98.0 % 48.4 - le testo 608 - H2 env. 8 jours (alarme clignotante) pour une grandeur la fois. Lalarme pour lhumidit relative est active lusine C Affichage des - Pas de perte des rglages lors du changement des piles. - Votre appareil peut tre directement talonn sur site partir dune sonde dhumidit de 24.2 Alarm Alarm rfrence Testo (informations complmentaires voir page suivante). val. limites pour test segmentos / test segment Men de medicin / Menu mesure Conectar la pila lalarme (asegrese que la (Condition: doit C polaridad es correcta) 3 x td tre active) % % - 48.4 Max Min C Placez les piles C 24.2 Se aplica adicionalmente a testo 608 - H 2 - (respectez les polarits) Alarm 2 s Visualizar el valor lmite Parpadea el valor lmite Confirmar el valor lmite Ajustar el valor lmite OFF ON pour le testo 608 - H 2 inferior para alarma inferior para alarma inferior para alarma inferior para alarma Afficher val. lim. Valeur min. Confirmation de la Visualizar el valor lmite superior Men de medicin Rglage de la Visualizar el valor lmite inferior min. pour alarme clignote val. lim. min. Menu mesure val.lim. min. para alarma (si est activada) para alarma (si est activada) Affichage de la valeur limite Affichage de la valeur limite Men de medicin Visualizar valor MIN Visualizar valor MAX maximale (si active) Menu mesure Affichage val. MIN Affichage val. MAX minimale (si active) % 2.0 % % % % 48.4 2.0 12.0 12.0 Visualizar el Ajustar valores C valor MIN/MAX % 24.2 lmite para Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm % % % 48.4 42.3 52.7 2.0 % 98.0 Min Max alarma C Affichage de la C C Condicin: 24.2 12.5 28.9 valeur MIN/MAX Alarm Alarm 3 x est activada Visualizar el valor lmite Parpadea el valor lmite Ajustar el valor lmite Confirmar el valor lmite Rglage des val. superior para alarma superior para alarma superior para alarma superior para alarma limites de Afficher val. lim. Valeur max. Rglage de la Confirmation de la lalarme min. pour alarme clignote valeur limite max val. lim. max. Condition: Visualizar valor MIN Reajustar valor MIN Visualizar valor MAX Reajustar valor MAX Men de medicin Nota doit tre active Affichage valeur MIN Reset valeur MIN Affichage de val.MAX Reset valeur MAX Menu mesure Reajustar el Adicionalmente con el testo 608-H2. % % % 98.0 % 85.5 85.5 98.0 valor Presionando dos veces MODE MIN/MAX regresa al men de medicin % % % % Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm 48.4 42.3 48.4 52.7 48.4 Min Max Max Min Nota C C C C pour le testo 608 - H 2 Reset 24.2 24.2 24.2 12.5 28.9 appuyer 2 fois sur MODE, valeur MIN/MAX pour le retour au menu mesure 3 s 3 s Nota El LED parpadea hasta que se confirma SET. Si se ha sobrepasado o no se ha alcanzado el valor lmite de alarma Men de medicin Nota Sobrepasar/no Menu mesure (visualizado con ), aparece lo siguiente en el visualizador El valor lmite sobrepasado o no alcanzado se retiene y alcanzar los - si no se ha alcanzado el valor lmite se muestra como valor MIN/MAX en el men MODE. valores lmite de Ajustar Men de medicin Visualizar punto de roco Visualizar humedad relativa - si se ha sobrepasado el valor lmite Puede realizarse el reajuste de los valores MIN/MAX alarma % Menu mesure Affichage pt de rose Affichage humidit relative parmetros 48.4 y el LED parpadea. activados C (td, %HR) LED clignotante jusqu confirmation avec SET 24.2 td Nota % % Nota Dpassements 48.4 15.6 48.4 Rglage des Si la valeur limite active a t dpasse ( affiche) Le valeur limite min. ou max. est enregistre et est C C des valeurs C paramtres - si valeur limite minimale a t dpasse 24.2 24.2 24.2 affiche en tant que valeur MIN/MAX dans le menu limites pour LED (td, %HR) - si valeur limite maximale a t dpasse MODE . Effectuez eventuellement un reset des valeurs lalarme saffichent lcran, et la LED clignote MIN/MAX .. o o ou ou 0973.6080/T/wh/PC qxd/12.00

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