Prod uct Bul le tin OPB702 January 2006 Re flec tive Ob ject Sensors Type OPB702, OPB702D, OPB702R o Fea tures Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (T = 25 C un less oth er wise noted) A Stor age and Op er ating Tem per a ture Range.................. -40 C to +85 C Focused for maximum sensitivity Lead sol der ing tem per a ture (1/16 inch 1.6 mm from case for 5 sec. with sol der ing Phototransistor (OPB702) or (2) Photodarlington (OPB702D) or iron)....................................................... 240 C Phototransistor with base-emitter resistor (OPB702R) In put Di ode Low cost plastic housing Re verse Volt age ................................................ 2.0 V Peak For ward Cur rent........................................... 50 mA (1) Power Dis si pa tion........................................... 100 mW Out put Photosensor Col lec tor-Emitter Volt age - OPB702 & OPB702R ....................... 30 V De scrip tion OPB702D ................................ 15 V Emit ter-Collector Volt age - OPB702 & OPB702D....................... 5.0 V The OPB702 family consists of an (1) Power Dis si pa tion - OPB702 & OPB702D & OPB702R.............. 100 mW infrared emitting diode and a choice of NPN silicon phototransistor (OPB702), NOTES: photodarlington (OPB702D), or (1) Derate linearly 1.67 mW/ C above 25 C. base-emitter resistor for low light (2) RMA flux is recommended. Duration can be extended to 10 sec. max. when flow soldering. suppresion (OPB702R). The IR LED (3) d is the distance from the assembly face to the reflective surface. (4) Measured using Eastman Kodak gray card. The white side of the card is used as a 90% and phototransistor are mounted diffuse reflectance surface. Reference Eastman Kodak, Catalog E152 7795. side-by-side on converging optical axes, (5) All parameters tested using pulse techniques. in a black plastic housing. (6) Lead spacing controlled at body egress. Both parts are constructed using either PRECAUTIONS: Exposure of the plastic body to chlorinated hydrocarbons and ketones such as thread lock and instant adhesive products will degrade the plastic body. Cleaning agents OP165 or OP265 series LEDs. The methanol and isopropanol are recommended. Spray or wipe do not submerge. OPB702 uses and OP505 type. The OPB702D uses an OP535 type. The OPB702R uses an OP705. Custom electrical, wire or cabling is available. Contact your local representative or Optek for more Visit our website at information. or email us at sensors Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396Type OPB702 Electrical Characteristics (T = 25 C unless otherwise noted) A SYM BOL PA RAME TER MIN MAX UNITS TEST CON DI TIONS In put Di ode V Forward Voltage 1.8 V I = 20 mA F F IR Reverse Current 100 VR = 2.0 V A Out put Phototransistor V Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 30 V I = 100 A, I = 0, E = 0 (BR)CEO C F e V Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage (BR)ECO 5.0 V I = 100 A, I = 0, E = 0 E F e I Collector-Emitter Leakage Current 100 nA V = 10 V, I = 0, E = 0 CEO CE F e Cou pled On-State Collector Current V = 5.0 V, I = 40 mA, CE F I 50 C(ON) A (3)(4) d = 0.150 (3.81 mm) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage I = 250 A, I = 40 mA, C F VCE(SAT) 0.40 V (3)(4) d = 0.150 (3.81 mm) Op tek re serves the right to make changes at any time in or der to im prove de sign and to sup ply the best prod uct pos si ble Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972 )323- 2200 Fax (972)323- 2396