Product Summary
C099-F9P Application Board
Easy evaluation of u-blox ZED-F9P with multi-band RTK
Application board for ZED-F9P
Flexible connectivity options, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Arduino Mega shield connections for host expansion
Product description Block diagram
The C099-F9P application board allows efficient evaluation of ZED-F9P,
the u-blox F9 high precision positioning module.
The ZED-F9P GNSS module provides multi-band GNSS and comes with
built-in RTK technology providing centimeter level accuracy to users.
The C099-F9P application board integrates the ZED-F9P module and
includes an ODIN-W2 short range module for connectivity options.
The application board is designed to support evaluation of the most
common use cases. The feature set supports using two C099-F9P
application boards operating as Rover and Base, where the two boards
communicate over a direct Wi-Fi connection. Another supported use
case is pairing a mobile phone running an NTRIP client to the C099-F9P
application board using Bluetooth.
The evaluation software, u-center, provides a powerful platform for
evaluation of u-blox GNSS receivers. With u-center, data can be logged
as well as visualized in real time. The u-center software contains an
NTRIP server/client which can be used to manage the RTCM correction
stream from/to a C099-F9P application board.
Interfaces and electrical data
Kit includes
USB Micro USB port for GNSS data and power supply
1 x application board with ZED-F9P
Ext. Comm. Connection pins for UART communication,
1 x active multi-band GNSS antenna
Arduino interfacing
1 x Bluetooth / Wi-Fi antenna
Antennas SMA connector for active GNSS antenna
USB cable
SMA connector for UHF antenna
Power supply 2.1 mm plug 6 V-12 V DC, USB connection or
LiPO cell JST connector
IO voltage 3.3 V
Protocols NMEA, UBX, RTCM
Product variants
All variants have the same application board and software.
C099-F9P-0 For Asia and other regions not mentioned below
C099-F9P-1 For Europe, Russia, and Australia
SmartNet trial license included
C099-F9P-2 For USA and Canada
SmartNet trial license included
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u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products,
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names, logos and designs described herein may in whole or in part be subject to intellectual
property rights. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure to third parties of this doc-
For contact information, see
ument or any part thereof without the express permission of u-blox is strictly prohibited.
For more product details and ordering information, see the product
The information contained herein is provided as is. No warranty of any kind, either
data sheet.
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Copyright 2018, u-blox AG
UBX-18022364 - R02