Product summary
NINA-B40 series
Stand-alone Bluetooth 5.1 low energy modules
Bluetooth 5.1 module for harsh professional environments
Bluetooth 5.1, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, and Zigbee
Direction nding support for indoor location
Powerful MCU with open CPU architecture for customized applications
Extended temperature range up to 105 C
Pin compatible with other NINA modules
Global certi cation
10.0 15.0 2.2 mm 10.0 15.0 2.2 mm
Product description
The NINA-B40 series are small, stand-alone Bluetooth low
energy wireless microcontroller unit (MCU) modules that
comply with the Bluetooth 5.1 speci cation.
The module is built on the Nordic nRF52833 chip and comes Standard
as an open CPU where customer applications run on the
Chip inside nRF52833
built-in Arm Cortex-M4 with FPU. NINA-B40 modules
Bluetooth quali cation v5.1 v5.1
integrate ash and RAM memory, and the application
Bluetooth low energy
runs on top of the embedded Bluetooth low energy stack.
Thread / Zigbee
Bluetooth low energy services such as serial port
Bluetooth output power EIRP [dBm]
10 10
communication, GATT, beacons, and mesh are also supported.
Max range [meters]
1400 1400
For location applications, NINA-B40 supports the direction
nding features such as Angle-of-Arrival and Angle-of-
U.FL pcb
Antenna type (see footnotes)
Departure from the Bluetooth 5.1 speci cation. These methods
Application software
determine the direction from which a signal is transmitted.
Open CPU for embedded applications
This improves location accuracy as compared to the received Interfaces
signal strength (RSSI). NINA-B40 can act both as a transmitter
and receiver in a direction nding application. NINA-B40
provides an extended communication range or a more reliable
connection using the Bluetooth 5 long range feature.
Additionally, the modules support NFC and IEEE 802.15.4
with Thread and Zigbee. A range of wired interfaces (UART,
GPIO pins 40 40
SPI, I2C, I2S, USB, QDEC, PDM, PWM, and ADC) are available.
AD converters [number of bits] 12 12
Key market segments are smart cities and buildings, industrial
MCU (see footnotes) M4F M4F
automation, medical and healthcare, and telematics. Speci c
RAM [kB] 128 128
applications include smart lighting, asset tracking, indoor
Flash [kB] 512 512
location, low power sensors, as well as wireless-connected
Simultaneous GATT server and client
and con gurable equipment.
1.4 1.4
Throughput [Mbit/s]
NINA-B406 comes with an internal PCB antenna while
Maximum Bluetooth connections 20 20
NINA-B400 comes with a U.FL connector for use with an
Secure boot
external antenna of choice. The internal PCB antenna provides
Bluetooth mesh
a robust low pro le solution with high performance and an
Direction nding (AoA/AoD)
extensive range. The NINA-B40 series will be globally certi ed
for use with the internal antenna or a range of external
U.FL = U.FL connector(s) for = Feature enabled by HW. The actual support
antennas. This greatly reduces time, cost and e ort for
external antenna depends on the open CPU application SW.
customers integrating Bluetooth low energy in their designs. pcb = Internal PCB antenna M4F = 64 MHz Arm Cortex-M4 with FPU
UBX-19047297 - R03
NINA-B406NINA-B40 series
Features Package
Bluetooth v5.1 (Bluetooth low energy) Dimensions 10.0 x 15.0 x 2.2 mm
NFC NFC-A tag support Weight < 1.0 g
Range 1400 m Mounting Machine mountable
Solder pins
Max. conducted 8 dBm
output power
Conducted 95 dBm (1 Mbit/s)
Environmental data, quality and reliability
sensitivity 100 dBm (125 Kbit/s)
Operating 40 C to +105 C
Storage 40 C to +105 C
Open CPU for customer application
Humidity RH 5 90% non-condensing
Customers develop and embed their own application on top of the
Bluetooth stack in the NINA-B40x modules (open CPU concept).
This section describes the possible features enabled by the
Certi cations and approvals
NINA-B40 hardware. Use Nordic Semiconductors SDK environment
to develop the connectivity and application software. Type approvals Europe (ETSI RED); US (FCC/CFR 47 part 15
unlicensed modular transmitter approval);
Development Nordic SDK (including Bluetooth Mesh
Canada (IC RSS); Japan (MIC); Taiwan (NCC);
environment HomeKit, AirFuel, IoT, Thread, Zigbee)
Australia (ACMA); New Zealand; Brazil (Anatel);
HW interfaces * 2 x UART
South Korea (KCC); South Africa (ICASA)
3 x SPI
Health and safety EN 62479, EN 62368-1, IEC 62368-1
40 x GPIO pins
8 x ADC channels Bluetooth v5.1 (Bluetooth low energy)
1 x USB quali cation
2 x I2C
1 = Pending approvals
1 x I2S
4 x PWM
1 x QDEC
Support products
Security Secure boot ready
Secure Simple Pairing
EVK-NINA-B400 Evaluation kit for NINA-B400 with open CPU
128-bit AES encryption
and U.FL connector for the antenna
Bluetooth low energy secure connections
EVK-NINA-B406 Evaluation kit for NINA-B406 with open CPU
* Not all simultaneously and internal PCB antenna
Product variants
Electrical data
NINA-B400 Bluetooth low energy module with open CPU
Power supply 1.7 to 3.6 V
and U.FL connector for external antenna
Power consumption Active TX @ 0 dBm: 6.0 mA
NINA-B406 Bluetooth low energy module with open CPU
RX only: 6.0 mA
and internal PCB antenna
Standby: 1.3 A
Sleep: 600 nA (with wake-up on external event)
Legal Notice:
Further information
u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products,
For contact information, see /contact-us.
names, logos and designs described herein may in whole or in part be subject to intellectual
property rights. Reproduction, use, modi cation or disclosure to third parties of this doc-
For more product details and ordering information, see the product
ument or any part thereof without the express permission of u-blox is strictly prohibited.
data sheet.
The information contained herein is provided as is. No warranty of any kind, either
express or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy, reliability, tness for a particular
purpose or content of this document. This document may be revised by u-blox at any
time. For most recent documents, please visit
UBX-19047297 - R03 Copyright 2020, u-blox AG