TOPJOB S 1 Staggered Jumpers 2002 Series 104 Staggered jumper 400 V/6 kV/3 I 25 A N Staggered jumper with 7 contacts Insert staggered jumper Breaking off contact lugs Individual jumper contacts can Push staggered jumper down until fully inserted. be broken off by bending them. The remaining piece of insulation will meet requirements for clearances and creep- age distances. Pack. Item No. Unit Staggered jumper, insulated, suitable for 2002, 2003 and 2022 Series rail-mounted terminal blocks, light gray 2-way 2002-472 100(4x25) 3-way 2002-473 100(4x25) 4-way 100(4x25) 2002-474 5-way 2002-475 50(2x25) 6-way 2002-476 50(2x25) 7-way 2002-477 50(2x25) 8-way 2002-478 50(2x25) 9-way 2002-479 50(2x25) Staggered jumper 1357 Locate red stripes of the staggered jumpers on the inside Marking with a felt-tip pen. 10-way 2002-480 50(2x25) 11-way 2002-481 50(2x25) 12-way 2002-482 50(2x25) Commoning using staggered jumpers Individual jumper contacts can be broken off by bending them. The remaining piece of insulation will meet the requirements for clearances and creepage distances. This makes it possible to create custom staggered jumpers, e.g. for bridging over a terminal block with a different potential. When creating the jumpers, ensure only one contact lug is in contact with the terminal block. The contact lugs of the customized staggered jumpers con- tact the terminal blocks via the gaps created in the second jumper. Insert and press jumper into the jumper slot until it hits the backstop. Jumpers staggered in a jumper slot Staggered jumper removal Custom staggered jumpers can be created, e.g., for bridg- Insert the operating tool between the jumpers and lift up ing over a terminal block with a different potential. Make the jumper. sure only one contact lug is in contact with the terminal block. That way, staggered jumpers are created with contact lugs that will make contact to the terminal block in the gaps of the second jumper. Insert the ready-made jumper assembly into the jumper slot until it hits the stop. Staggered jumpers for sophisticated circuit requirements.X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for wago manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 750-460 231-118/026-000 231-303/026-000 231-620/019-000 257-403 280-438 280-831 284-624 210-111 231-303/037-000 231-446/001- 000 NR 232-216/026-000 234-510 264-726 280-339 0283-0671 830-800/000-305 750-512 750-455 51251782 286-312 713-1428/107-000 731-138/048-000 750-459 750-517 750-602 793-3505 826-172 859-304 280-335 231-535/001-000 2604-1105 2604-1106 2604-1504 2606-1103/020-000 2624-1103 2626-3103/020-000 821-104 713-1107 852-1411 2106-1307 2116-5307 832-1205 832-3604 2009-110 281- 512/281-501 286-336 750-421 750-838 753-559