Important! Before Charging Cell Select The Voltage 3.2V 3.6V Or 3.8V. For Lifepo4 Cells Can Result Damage Cell Or Fire!, Output Voltages: 3,2V, 3,6V, 3,8V, Current Sense, Switch For Changing The Type Of Charged Battery, Detection Of Damaged Batterie, Without Rechargeable Batteries, Without Power Supply, Trickle Charging, Microprocessor Controlled Charging
li - fepo4 , li - ion
10440 , 14500 , 14650 , 16340 , 17500 , 17670 , 18350 , 18500 , 18650 , 18700 , 22650 , 25500
Trickle Charging, Charging
Eu, Plug For Car Lighter Socket
Against Reverse Polarity, Overcharging Protection, Short - Circuit
mi C ropro C essor - based