eZ80 Microprocessors
eZ80L92 Product Brief
Real-time clock with on-chip 32KHz oscillator,
Product Block Diagram
selectable 50/60Hz input, and separate V pin
for battery backup
eZ80L92 MPU
JTAG Debug Interface (also supports ZiLOG
Debug Interface)
New DMA-like eZ80 instructions
24-Bit GPIO Encoder/ 2 UART
Power management features including SLEEP/
HALT modes and peripheral power-down con-
100-pin LQFP package
4 CS +
3.03.6V supply voltage with 5V tolerant inputs
Operating Temperature Ranges:
Standard: 0C to +70C
Extended: 40C to +105C
General Description
The eZ80L92 microprocessor is a member of
ZiLOGs eZ80 product family. It offers the fol-
The eZ80L92 is a power-efcient, optimized pipe-
lowing features:
line architecture microprocessor operating up to
50 MHz. It is part of a line of eZ80 -based standard
High-performance, pipelined eZ80 CPU avail-
products targeted toward industrial, communica-
able at 20MHz or 50MHz maximum speed
tion, security, automation, and embedded Internet
24 bits of General-Purpose I/O
IrDA compatible Infrared Encoder/Decoder
2 UARTs with independent baud rate generators
eZ80 CPU Core
I C with independent clock rate generator
The eZ80 can operate in Z80-compatible (64KB)
SPI with independent clock rate generator
mode or full 24-bit (16 MB) addressing mode.
Glueless external memory interface with 4 Chip
Considering both the increased clock speed and
Selects, independent WAIT state generators, and
processor efciency, the eZ80 s processing power
external WAIT input pin; supports Z80, Intel,
rivals the performance of 16-bit microprocessors.
and Motorola bus-compatible peripherals.
The eZ80 improves on the world-famous Z80
Six 16-bit Counter/Timers with prescalers and
architecture. Like the Z80, it features dual bank
direct input/output drive capability
registers for fast context switching.
Interrupt controller supports internal and exter-
nal maskable interrupts as well as a non- eZ80L92 Peripherals
maskable interrupt input
General-Purpose Input/Output
Watch-Dog Timer
The eZ80L92 microprocessor features 24 bits of
General-Purpose Input or Output (GPIO). All port
ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters 532 Race Street San Jose, CA 95126
Telephone: 408.558.8500 Fax: 408.558.8300 www.ZiLOG.com
eZ80L92 Product Brief
signals are programmable in Input or Output CLK 64, and CLK 256. The timers two modes
modes. The 24 port bits can be used as vectored of operation are single-pass and continuous count
interrupt sources. The pins can be set to recognize mode. Four timers can be driven through a GPIO
either level- or edge-triggered interrupts. input pin for external event count. Two others
allow the ability to drive their outputs through
Infrared Encoder/Decoder
GPIO pins.
Supports IrDA SIR format
Watch-Dog Timer
Operates seamlessly with the on-chip UART
The Watch-Dog Timer (WDT) features four pro-
Interfaces with IrDA -compliant transceivers
grammable time-out periods: 218, 222, 225, or 227
Supports transmit/receive up to 115.2kbps
clock cycles. It allows the user to monitor the sta-
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/
tus of a time-out and generate a RESET or non-
maskable interrupt. The WDT can operate from
Each of the two Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ either the system clock or the on-chip 32 KHz
Transmitters (UART) devices contains control reg- oscillator used by the RTC.
isters and a Baud Rate Generator (BRG).
Real-Time Clock
The Baud Rate Generator produces a lower-fre-
The real-time clock (RTC) allows counting of sec-
quency bit clock from the system clock. All
onds, minutes, hours, days-of-the-week, day-of-
standard baud rates up to 115kbps and some
the-month, month, year, and century. Alarms and
rates higher than 115kbps are supported.
interrupts can be set for seconds, minutes, hours,
The UART module implements all the logic
and day-of-the-week. The real-time clock input can
required to support asynchronous communica-
be taken from the on-chip 32 KHz oscillator or
tions and hardware ow control. The module
from a 50/60 Hz input. The real-time clock oper-
also contains separate 16-byte-deep transmit
ates from an isolated V pin to allow constant
and receive FIFOs.
operation from a battery.
Inter-Integrated Circuit
Chip Select/Wait State Generator
The Inter-Integrated Circuit (I C) device contains
and WAIT Pin
control registers and its own clock rate generator.
There are four chip selects for external devices.
The I C operates in four modes: Master Transmit
Each chip select may be programmed for either
or Receive, Slave Transmit or Receive.
memory or I/O space. Each memory chip select can
Serial Peripheral Interface be individually programmed on a 64KB boundary.
The I/O chip selects can choose a 256-byte section
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) device con-
of I/O space. The WAIT input pin allows interface
tains control registers and its own clock rate gener-
with slow peripherals. The chip selects support
ator. The SPI is a synchronous interface allowing
Z80-, Intel-, and Motorola-style buses.
several SPI-type devices to be interconnected. The
SPI may be congured as either a master or a slave.
JTAG Debug Interface
Programmable Reload Timers The IEEE1149.1-compatible JTAG interface sup-
ports all of the ZDI functions plus the following
The eZ80L92 features six Programmable Reload-
features: software break points, 64-word trace
able Counter Timers (PRT). Each timer is a 16-bit
buffer, complex break points using address and
down counter and offers a 4-bit clock prescaler
data masks, and cascadable triggers.
with four selectable taps for CLK 4, CLK 16,
PB008607-0103 eZ80 Microprocessors