PRELIMINARY PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1 Z86C83/C84/E83 1 CMOS Z8 MCU FEATURES n Six Vectored, Prioritized Interrupts from Six Different ROM RAM* I/O Voltage Sources Device (KB) (Bytes) Lines Range Z86C83 4 237 21 3.0V to 5.5V n Two Analog Comparator Inputs with Programmable Interrupt Polarity Z86E83 4 (OTP) 237 21 3.5V to 5.5V Z86C84 4 237 17 3.0V to 5.5V n Two Programmable 8-Bit Timers, each with a 6-Bit Note: * General-Purpose Programmable Prescaler n Power-On Reset (POR) Timer n 28-Pin DIP, SOIC, and PLCC Packages n Permanent Watch-Dog Timer (WDT) Option n Clock Speed: 16 MHz n Software-Programmable Pull-Up Resistors (Port 2 Only) n Three Expanded Register Groups n On-Chip Oscillator for Crystal, Resonator or LC n 8-Channel, 8-Bit A/D Converter with Track and Hold, and Unique R-Ladder A Offset Control GND n ROM Protect n Z86C84 has two 8-Bit D/A Converters with Programmable Gain Stages, 3 s Settling Time GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z86C83/C84/E83 are full-featured members of the Unique, programmable A offset control of the A/D re- GND Z8 MCU family offering a unique register-to-register ar- sistor ladder compresses the converter s dynamic range chitecture that avoids accumulator bottlenecks for higher for maximum effective 9-bit A/D resolution. code efficiency than RISC processors. The Z86C84 has two 8-bit 1/2 LSB D/A converters. High The Z86C83/C84/E83 are designed to be used in a wide and low reference voltages provide precise control of the variety of embedded control applications, such as appli- output voltage range. Programmable gain for each D/A ances, process controls, keyboards, security systems, bat- converter provides a maximum effective 10-bit resolution tery chargers, and automotive modules. for many tasks. For applications requiring powerful I/O capabilities, the On-chip 8-bit counter/timers with many user-selectable Z86C83/C84/E83 devices can have up to 21/17 (83/84 re- modes simplify real-time tasks, such as counting, timing, spectively) pins dedicated to input and output. These lines and generation of PWM signals. are grouped into three ports, and are configured by soft- The designer can prioritize six different maskable, vec- ware to provide digital/analog I/O timing and status signals. tored, internal or external interrupts for efficient interrupt An on-chip, half-flash 8-bit 1/2 Least Significant Bit (LSB) handling and multitasking functions. A/D converter can multiplex up to eight analog inputs. Un- used analog inputs revert to standard digital I/O use. DS97DZ80700 P R E L I M I N A R Y 8-1Z86C83/C84/E83 CMOS Z8 MCU Zilog GENERAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) By means of an expanded register file, the designer has Power connections follow conventional descriptions be- access to additional control registers for configuring pe- low: ripheral functions including the A/D and D/A converters, counter/timers, and I/O port functions (Figure 1). Connection Circuit Device Power V V CC CC Notes: All signals with a preceding front slash,, are Ground GND V active Low. For example, B//W (WORD is active Low) SS /B/W (BYTE is active Low, only). Comparators Register File P00 (2) P01 P31 P02 P32 P03 P33 Port 0 Port 3 Register Bus P04 P34 P05 Internal P35 Address Bus P06 P36 Program Memory VDHI ** Z8 Core 4K x 8 **Dual VDL0 ** 8-Bit DAC1 ** Internal Data Bus XTAL 1/2 DAC Machine DAC2 ** Timing and AC0/P20 /RESET Instruction AC1/P21 Expanded Control AC2/P22 Register Bus Expanded AC3/P23 Port 2 Register File AC4/P24 AC5/P25 VCC AC6/P26 Power GND AC7/P27 Notes: AVCC 8-Channel Counter/Timer ** Not available on Z86C83/E83 8-Bit A/D 8-Bit (2) AGND Not available on Z86C84 Figure 1. Z86C83/C84/E83 Functional Block Diagram 8-2 P R E L I M I N A R Y DS97DZ80700