AO4882 is a low-dropout linear regulator (LDO) integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by Alpha and Omega. It is a Low Noise, 150mA Low Dropout Voltage regulator (LDO). It is a low-power, low voltage regulator that is capable of providing output voltages ranging from 3.6 V to 15 V. This integrated circuit is ideal for use in applications such as automotive audio, handheld devices, battery-powered systems, as well as other general-purpose power conversion and voltage regulation circuits. AO4882 operates with a minimum drop-out voltage of only 500mV and offers low noise (20uV) and high efficiency, with a maximum quiescent current of only 80uA. It also features short-circuit protection, over-current protection, and thermal shutdown protection features. Additionally, it uses a standard 3-pin package, making it easy to integrate into a wide variety of applications.