MAX5084/MAX5085 65V, 200mA, Low-Quiescent-Current Linear Regulators in TDFN General Description Features The MAX5084/MAX5085 high-voltage linear regulators Wide Operating Input Voltage Range (6.5V to 65V) operate from an input voltage range of 6.5V to 65V and Thermally Enhanced 3mm x 3mm 6-Pin TDFN deliver up to 200mA of output current. These devices Package Dissipates 1.905W at +70C consume only 50A (typ) of quiescent current with no load Guaranteed 200mA Output Current and 6A (typ) in shutdown (EN pulled low). Both devices 50A No-Load Supply Current include a SET input, which when connected to ground, Preset 3.3V, 5.0V, or Adjustable (from 2.54V to 11V) selects a preset output voltage of 5V (MAX5084) or Output Voltage 3.3V (MAX5085). Alternatively, the output voltage can be adjusted from 2.54V to 11V by connecting the SET pin to Remote Load Sense the regulators output through a resistive divider network. Thermal and Short-Circuit Protection The MAX5084/MAX5085 also include an OUT SENSE -40C to +125C Operating Temperature Range pin, which allows remote voltage sensing right at the SET Input for Adjustable Output Voltage load, thus eliminating the voltage drop caused by the line Enable Input impedance. Both devices are short-circuit protected and include thermal shutdown. Ordering Information The MAX5084/MAX5085 operate over the -40C to PIN- +125C automotive temperature range and are available PART TOP MARK PACKAGE in a space-saving 3mm x 3mm thermally enhanced 6-pin MAX5084ATT+T 6 TDFN-EP* AJI TDFN package. MAX5085ATT+T 6 TDFN-EP* AJJ Applications Note: All devices are specified over the -40C to +125C oper- Industrial ating temperature range. Home Security *EP = Exposed paddle. Telecom/Networking +Denotes lead-free package. Selector Guide appears at end of data sheet. Typical Operating Circuit Pin Configuration TOP VIEW V = 6.5V IN TO 65V 5V (MAX5084) 3.3V (MAX5085) IN OUT 10F 10F MAX5084 6 5 4 MAX5085 EN OUT SENSE MAX5084 MAX5085 LOAD GND SET + 1 2 3 TDFN 19-3928 Rev 2 5/14 IN OUT EN OUT SENSE GND SETMAX5084/MAX5085 65V, 200mA, Low-Quiescent-Current Linear Regulators in TDFN Absolute Maximum Ratings IN to GND ..............................................................-0.3V to +80V Thermal Resistance: EN to GND ............................................................-0.3V to +80V ...................................................................................42C/W JA SET, OUT, OUT SENSE ..................................................................................8.5C/W JC to GND ..............-0.3V to the lesser of (V + 0.3V) or +13.2V Operating Temperature Range ......................... -40C to +125C IN OUT SENSE to OUT ...........................................-0.3V to +0.3V Junction Temperature ......................................................+150C Short-Circuit Duration (V 65V) ............................Continuous Storage Temperature Range ............................ -65C to +150C IN Maximum Current into Any Pin (except IN and OUT) ......20mA Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Continuous Power Dissipation (T = +70C) A 6-Pin TDFN-EP (derate 23.8mW/C above +70C).... 1904.8mW* *As per JEDEC51 Standard (Multilayer Board). Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Electrical Characteristics (V = 14V, I = 1mA, C = C = 10F, V = 2.4V, T = T = -40C to +125C, unless otherwise noted. Typical specifications IN OUT IN OUT EN A J are at T = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) A PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Voltage Range V V > V + 1.5V 6.5 65.0 V IN IN OUT I = 0 51 140 OUT A Measured at GND, Supply Current I I = 100A 51 140 Q OUT SET = GND I = 200mA 2 4 mA OUT Shutdown Supply Current I V 0.4V 6 16 A SHDN EN REGULATOR Guaranteed Output Current I V = V 4% 200 mA OUT OUT OUT(NOM) V = 9V to 16V, SET = GND, I = 5mA to 200mA, IN OUT 4.8 5.0 5.2 OUT SENSE connected to OUT (MAX5084) V = 6.5V to 21V, SET = GND, I = 5mA to IN OUT 4.85 5.0 5.15 50mA, OUT SENSE connected to OUT (MAX5084) Output Voltage Accuracy V V OUT V = 9V to 16V, SET = GND, I = 5mA to 50mA, IN OUT 4.9 5.1 OUT SENSE connected to OUT (MAX5084) V = 6.5V, SET = GND, I = 1mA to 200mA, IN OUT 3.168 3.300 3.432 OUT SENSE connected to OUT (MAX5084) Output Voltage Range I = 5mA, adjustable output 5.24 11.0 V OUT Dropout Voltage V I = 200mA, V = 5V, MAX5084 (Note 2) 0.9 1.5 V DO OUT OUT Rising edge of VIN to rising edge of V , OUT Startup Response Time 400 s R = 500 (Note 3) L MAX5084, SET = GND -1 +1 V from 8V to 65V IN V / MAX5085, SET = GND -0.5 +0.5 OUT Line Regulation mv/V V IN Adjustable output from V from 14V to 65V -0.5 +0.5 IN 2.54V to 11V Maxim Integrated 2