The Belling BL8062CB3TR33 is a dropout regulator, also known as a low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator, designed for low-power, low-voltage applications. This device operates from input supplies of 1.6V to 6V and is packaged in a SOT23-3 package, with RoHS compliance. Its low dropout voltage is 0.2V, with a maximum quiescent current of 150uA. Output current at full load is up to 300mA. This device features a shutdown pin, internal soft-start and thermal protection , and a high-PSRR of 72dB. The BL8062CB3TR33 offers a very wide range of voltage accuracy, up to 1.5% maximum, and is designed for use in various applications, such as battery-powered equipment, automotive electronics, cellphones and consumer electronics.