The BXP16N65F is an N-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) manufactured by Bridgelux. It is an advanced, low-loss, high-speed power MOSFET that allows for greater efficiency, higher switching speed, and lower on-state resistance. It is built using a proprietary DT technology, which enables unprecedented performance and reliability at higher operating temperatures. It comes in an advanced ISOFL package for better thermal performance and higher device integration. The transistor is suitable for use in power conversion, power switching, and switching regulator circuits for applications such as automotive power topology, DC-DC converters, photo-voltaic inverter, motor control, and lighting control. The BXP16N65F is rated for operation up to 600V with 17.38A continuous drain current (ID) at 175°C. Its maximum ratings are 32.3A peak current (IDM) and 4.5mohm on-state resistance (RDS(ON)).