HCPL-576x* 5962-8947701 AC/DC to Logic Interface Hermetically Sealed Optocouplers Data Sheet Description Features These devices are single channel, hermetically sealed, Dual marked with device part number and DLA stan- voltage/current threshold detection opt ocouplers. The dard microcircuit drawing products are capable of operation and storage over the Manufactured and tested on a MIL-PRF-38534 certifi ed full military temperature range and can be purchased as line either standard product, or with full MIL-PRF-38534 Class QML-38534, class H and K Level H or K testing, or from the DLA Standard Micro-cir- cuit Drawing (SMD) 5962-89477. All devices are manu- Hermetically sealed 8-pin dual in-line packages factured and tested on a MIL-PRF-38534 certifi ed line Performance guaranteed over -55 C to +125 C and are included in the DLA Qualifi ed M anufac tur ers List, AC or DC input QML-38534 for Hybrid Microcircuits. Programmable sense voltage *See matrix for available extensions Hysteresis Schematic HCPL-3700 operating compatibility Logic compatible output 1500 Vdc withstand test voltage Thresholds guaranteed over temperature Thresholds independent of LED characteristics Applications Military and space High reliability systems Transportation, medical, and life critical systems Limit switch sensing Low voltage detector AC/DC voltage sensing Relay contact monitor Relay coil voltage monitor Current sensing TRUTH TABLE Microprocessor interface Input Output Telephone ring detection H (V < V ) (on) L TH+ dc Harsh industrial environments L (V < V ) (off ) H dc TH The connection of a 0.1 F bypass capacitor between pins 8 and 5 is recommended. CAUTION: It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. Each unit contains a light emit ting diode (LED), a threshold Selection Guide Package Styles and Lead Confi guration Options sensing input buff er IC, and a high gain photon detector Avago Part and Options to provide an optocoupler which permits adjustable Commercial HCPL-5760 external threshold levels. The input buff er circuit has a nominal turn on threshold of 2.5 mA (I ) and 3.6 volts MIL-PRF-38534 Class H HCPL-5761 TH+ (V ). The addition of one or more external attenuation TH+ MIL-PRF-38534 Class K HCPL-576K resistors permits the use of this device over a wide range Standard Lead Finish Gold of input voltages and currents. Threshold sensing prior to Solder Dipped Option 200 the LED and detector elements minimizes eff ects of any Butt Joint/Gold Plate Option 100 variation in optical coupling. Hysteresis is also provided in the buff er for extra noise immunity and switching stability. Gull Wing/Soldered Option 300 Crew Cut/Gold Plate Option 600 The buff er circuit is designed with internal clamping diodes to pro tect the circuitry and LED from a wide range Class H SMD Part of over-voltage and over-current transients while the Prescript for all below 5962- diode bridge enables easy use with AC voltage input. Gold Plate 8947701PC These units combine several unique functions in a single Solder Dipped 8947701PA package, providing the user with an ideal component Butt Joint/Gold Plate 8947701YC for computer input boards and other applica tions where Butt Joint/Soldered 8947701YA a predetermined input threshold optocoupler level is desirable. Gull Wing/Soldered 8947701XA Crew Cut/Gold Plate Available The high gain output stage features an open collector output providing both TTL compatible saturation voltages Crew Cut/Soldered Available and CMOS compatible breakdown voltages. Class K SMD Part This is an eight pin DIP which may be purchased with a Prescript for all below 5962- variety of lead bend and plating options. See Selection Gold Plate 8947702KPC Guide Table for details. Standard Microcircuit Drawing Solder Dipped 8947702KPA (SMD) parts are available for each lead style. Butt Joint/Gold Plate 8947702KYC Butt Joint/Soldered 8947702KYA Gull Wing/Soldered 8947702KXA Crew Cut/Gold Plate Available Crew Cut/Soldered Available 2