PCB-STM32-VLB1 Development baseboard for the ST Micro Discovery VL module. Part Number: PCB-STM32-VLB1 (unpopulated PCB with Discovery module sockets, no other parts) STM32-VLB1 (assembled board, not presently available) Features STM32-VLB1 is a breakout board for the STMicro Discovery VL board with STM32F100RBT6 microcontroller (128k program flash, 8k RAM). Bare PCB with Discovery module sockets provided. BOM and schematic available for download. Six GPIO port headers providing 8 data bits and 3V/5V power. Three async. serial ports. ComBoard footprints provide RS232-DTE (male), RS232-DCE (female) and RS485 USART interfaces. Circuitry can be built on the board or added with interchangeable ComBoard modules. Six ASPICE board footprints provide I2C, and SPI expansion signals on 14-pin headers. SD card connector footprint provided. Mostly thru-hole construction allows for easy assembly and expansion (optional power input, JTAG header and SD card have SMT parts). 2-layer, FR4 glass-epoxy PCB, 1oz/ft2 copper. Soldermask & silkscreen. Lead free and RoHS compatible. 6.30 x 6.30in (160 x 160mm). BusBoard Prototype Systems - Built for designers www.BusBoard.com sales busboard.com BPS-DAT-(PCB-STM32-VLB1)-0001 Rev 0.20 Datasheet.doc Details The STM32-VLB1 breakout board provides port connectors, USART, I2C, and SPI expansion headers to make it easy to prototype with the ST Micro Discovery VL board. The Discovery VL module includes a STM32F100RBT6 microcontroller with 128k program flash, 8k RAM, in a LQFP64 package. An on-board ST-LINK/V2 programmer allows code to be loaded and debugged via PC USB port. Power comes from the Discovery board USB connector or a barrel connector. Six 2x8 headers are used for GPIO port expansion. Each header has 8 data bits, 3V power, 5V power, ground, and 5 uncommitted pins for customization. Three ComBoard module footprints allow RS232 or RS485 serial interfaces to be added and quickly changed. Six ASPICE module footprints allow I2C, SPI or analog modules to be added. Other footprints include: SD card with activity LED and power switch circuitry. RTC CR2032 battery holder. Barrel power connector and filter. BusBoard Prototype Systems - Built for designers www.BusBoard.com sales busboard.com BPS-DAT-(PCB-STM32-VLB1)-0001 Rev 0.20 Datasheet.doc