The DMG7401SFG-7 MOSFET is a power MOSFET manufactured by Diodes Incorporated. Its maximum Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage (BVDSS) is 25V-30V and it comes in 2K T&R packs. The product is suitable for use in applications such as low-side switching, high-side blocking, output driving, and diode protection. It features excellent on-resistance, low forward voltage drop, and fast switching time. It has an optimized gate charge that reduces switching losses and snubber network. The MOSFET has a high cell density and low input capacitance, and is designed to withstand a wide range of operating temperatures. The DMG7401SFG-7 is part of Diodes Incorporated’s PowerDI3333-8 line and is suitable for use in DC-DC converters, motor drives, power supplies, automotive, and other industrial applications.