X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of EA-PS 3065-10B Benchtop Power Supplies across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. EA-PS 3065-10B Benchtop Power Supplies are a product manufactured by Elektro-Automatik. We provide cost-effective solutions for Benchtop Power Supplies, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

EA-PS 3065-10B Elektro-Automatik

EA-PS 3065-10B electronic component of Elektro-Automatik
EA-PS 3065-10B Elektro-Automatik
EA-PS 3065-10B Benchtop Power Supplies
EA-PS 3065-10B  Power

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. EA-PS 3065-10B
Manufacturer: Elektro-Automatik
Category: Benchtop Power Supplies
Description: POWER SUPPLY, 1CH, 65V, 10A, ADJUSTABLE
Datasheet: EA-PS 3065-10B Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 1311.3822 ea
Line Total: USD 1311.38 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 12 Mar to Tue. 18 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 1311.3822

Product Category
Input Voltage
Power Supply Output Type
No. Of Outputs
Output Voltage Min
Output Voltage Max
Output Current Min
Output Current Max
Power Rating
Supply Voltage Min
Supply Voltage Max
Manufacturer Warranty
Plug Type
Approval Bodies
External Depth
External Length / Height
External Width
Input Frequency
Operating Temperature Max
Operating Temperature Min
Output Current
Output Voltage
Power Supply Type
Weight Min
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the EA-PS 3065-10B from our Benchtop Power Supplies category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the EA-PS 3065-10B and other electronic components in the Benchtop Power Supplies category and beyond.

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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image EA-EL 9080-170 B
DC LOAD, PROG, 170A, 0-80VDC, 1.2KW
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Stock : 0
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
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LabornetzLabornetzggerterte EA-Pe EA-PSS 3000 B 3000 B Serie / LaborSerie / Laboratatororyy P Poowwer er SSupuppplieliess EA-P EA-PSS 3000 B 3000 B SerieSeriess LabornetzLabornetzLabornetzgggerterterte EA-Pe EA-Pe EA-PSSS 3000 B 3000 B 3000 B Serie / LaborSerie / LaborSerie / Laboratatatorororyyy P P Pooowwwer er er SSSupupupppplielieliesss EA-P EA-P EA-PSSS 3000 B 3000 B 3000 B SerieSerieSeriesss EA-3032-10 B Digitale Anzeigen Labornetzgerte Serie PS 3000 B Labory Power Supplies Series EA-PS Die Netzgerteserie EA-PS 3000 B ist 3000 B Grob- und Feineinstellung nach neusten technischen Gesichts- The power supply series EA-PS 3000B punkten entwickelt worden. Hierbei han- is developed and designed according to Ausgang. 0...16V, 0...32V, delt es sich um eine hochwertige the latest technology. This is a high 0...65V, 0...150V Gerteserie, die von ihrer Leistung und quality series wich is a higher grade than den Ausstattungsmerkmalen ber der the EA-PS2000 series. Leistung: 160W, 320W, 640W Serie EA-PS 2000 angesiedelt ist. This new series will replace the existing Diese neue Serie wird die bestehenden series EA-PS 3000, EA-PS 7000 and OVP, bertemperaturschutz Serien EA-PS 3000, EA-PS 7000 sowie EA-PS 9000 bench version up to 1400W EA-PS 9000 Tischversion bis 1400W er- ersetzen. Konstantstrom- (CC) und setzen. There are no ventilation slots in either Konstantspannungsbetrieb (CV) the top or base of the equipment, also no external heatsinks, again for im- Die Gerte sind oben und unten ge- Parallel- u. Serienschaltung proved safety all sockets are recessed. schlossen und haben keine auenlie- This attention to the safety and unit pro- genden Khlkrper und eignen sich Programmierung via UTA 12 tection makes it ideal for schools and dehalb besonders fr die Verwendung universities as well as test and devel- im Schul- und Ausbildungsbereich. Steuerung, berwachung ber PC opment laboratories. Die Gerte werden in 3 Leistungsklas- These units are available in three power sen angeboten: 160W und 320W in classes: 160W and 320W as linear Lngsreglertechnologie und 640W in regulators and 640W in switched mode getakteler Version. technology. Digital Displays Die Ausgangswerte (U+I) sowie die vor- The output values (V, I) and the preset eingestellten Werte (U, I und OVP) wer- Adjustment coarse and fine values (V, I and OVP) are indicated on den auf getrennten digitalen Instrumen- separate digital instruments. ten angezeigt. Output 0...16V, 0...32V, The voltage drop on the load cable can Der Spannungsabfall auf den Last- 0...65V, 0...150V be compensated by the remote sense. leitungen kann durch die Fernfhlung The connectors for the remote sense (Sense) kompensiert werden. Die An- Power: 160W, 320W, 640W are on the rear side of the units. schlsse hierzu befinden sich auf der OVP, Over temperature protected Rckseite. On the front is an interface socket with Constant Current- (CC) and analog in- and outputs for the external Auf der Front befindet sich eine Constant Voltage (CV) Mode programming and monitoring. Interfacebuchse mit einem Analogein- On this socket also the external univer- und Ausgang zur externen Programmie- Parallel- and Series Connection sal USB to analog interface EA-UTA rung und berwachung. 12can be connected for the external Hier kann auch die externe Universal Programming via UTA 12 control via a windows PC. USB to Analog Schnittstelle EA-UTA 12 zur externen Steuerung via Windows PC Control and Monitoring via PC angeschlossen werden. 27LabornetzLabornetzggerterte EA-Pe EA-PSS 3000 B 3000 B Serie / LaborSerie / Laboratatororyy P Poowwer er SSupuppplieliess EA-P EA-PSS 3000 B 3000 B SerieSeriess LabornetzLabornetzLabornetzgggerterterte EA-Pe EA-Pe EA-PSSS 3000 B 3000 B 3000 B Serie / LaborSerie / LaborSerie / Laboratatatorororyyy P P Pooowwwer er er SSSupupupppplielieliesss EA-P EA-P EA-PSSS 3000 B 3000 B 3000 B SerieSerieSeriesss Technische Daten EA Technical Data EA PS 3016-10 B PS 3016-20 B PS 3016-40 B PS 3032-05 B PS 3032-10 B Eing. Spannung 50/60Hz Input Voltage 50/60Hz 115V / 230V AC 115V / 230V AC 88...264V AC 115V / 230V AC 115V / 230V AC -Eingangsfrequenz -Input frequency 50Hz 50Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz -Leistungsfaktor -Power factor -linear Regulated -linear Regulated >0,99 (PFC) -linear Regulated -linear Regulated Ausgangsspannung 0...16V 0...16V 0...16V 0...32V 0...32V Output Voltage -Feineinstellbereich -Fine Adjustment Range 800mV 800mV 800mV 1,6V 1,6V -Stabilitt 0...100% Last -Stability at 0-100% load <8mV <8mV <10mV <8mV <8mV -Stabilitt 10% U -Stability at 10% V <5mV <5mV <5mV <5mV <5mV E IN eff. eff. eff. eff. eff. -Restwelligkeit -Ripple <1mV <1mV <10mV <1mV <1mV -berspannungsschutz OVP Adjustment ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect Ausgangsstrom Output current 0...10A 0...20A 0...40A 0...5A 0...10A -Feineinstellbereich 1A 2A 4A 500mA 1A -Fine Adjustment Range Betriebstemperatur Operating Temperature 0...40C 0...40C 0...40C 0...40C 0...40C Abmessungen BxHxT(mm) Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 Gewicht Weight 6,5kg 10kg 5,5kg 6,5kg 10kg Artikel Nr. Article Nb. 35320170 35320173 35320176 35320171 35320174 Technische Daten EA Technical Data EA PS 3032-20 B PS 3065-03 B PS 3065-05 B PS 3065-10 B PS 3150-04 B Eing. Spannung 50/60Hz Input Voltage 50/60Hz 88...264V AC 115V / 230V AC 115V / 230V AC 88...264V AC 88...264V AC -Eingangsfrequenz 50/60Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz -Input frequency -Leistungsfaktor -Power factor >0,99 (PFC) -linear Regulated -linear Regulated >0,99 (PFC) >0,99 (PFC) Ausgangsspannung Output Voltage 0...32V 0...65V 0...65V 0...65V 0...150V -Feineinstellbereich -Fine Adjustment Range 1,6V 3,5V 3,5V 3,5V 15V -Stabilitt 0...100% Last -Stability at 0-100% load <20mV <8mV <8mV <40mV <60mV -Stabilitt 10% U -Stability at 10% V <5mV <5mV <5mV <5mV <5mV E eff. eff. eff. eff. eff. IN -Restwelligkeit -Ripple <15mV <1mV <1mV <20mV <100mV -berspannungsschutz OVP Adjustment ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect ja/yes preselect Ausgangsstrom Output current 0...20A 0...2,5A 0...5A 0...10A 0...4A -Feineinstellbereich -Fine Adjustment Range 2A 250mA 500mA 1A 400mA Betriebstemperatur Operating Temperature 0...40C 0...40C 0...40C 0...40C 0...40C Abmessungen BxHxT(mm) Dimensions WxHxD (mm) 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 240 x 120 x 300 Gewicht Weight 13,5kg 6,5kg 10kg 5,5kg 5,5kg Artikel Nr. Article Nb. 35320177 35320172 35320175 35320178 35320179 28

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