AC/DC SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY AC/DC SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY SSIINNGGLLEE CCHHAANNNNEELL OOUUTTPPUUTT 3300 WWAATTTTSS UUNNIIVVEERRSSAALL IINNPPUUTT ESS30 SERIES General Description RoHS Features 1. Smaller than competitors by 15-20% 2. Operating temp shows full load at 50 C (122 F), can operate at temperatures up to 71C 3. Five-year guarantee 4. Over-current protection 5. Over-voltage protection 6. Can meet medical and appliance standards Application 7. Low leakage < 500A Broad needs Input Options AC100~240V Input Voltage: Input Voltage Range: AC85~264V (DC110~370V) DIN Rail available with 70V derating possibility V JST Frequency: 50/60Hz Frequency Range: 47~440 Hz Phase: Single Inrush Current: *1 14A at 100V 28 at 200V ETA USA 16170 Vineyard Blvd. Suite 180, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Visit us at: www.e Phone: 1-800-ETA-POWR, (408) 778-2793 Fax: (408) 779-2753 email at: sales Models Output Unit ESS30-3.3 ESS30-05 ESS30-12 ESS30-15 ESS30-24 ESS30-36 ESS30-48 Characteristic Vdc 3.3 5.0 12 15 24 36 48 Output Voltage A 6 6 2.5 2 1.3 0.8 0.65 Output Current mVpp 120 120 150 150 150 250 250 Ripple &Noise(max) 2.97~3.63 4.50~5.50 10.8~13.2 13.5~16.5 21.6~26.4 32.4~39.6 43.2~52.8 V Voltage Adjust Range mS Rise time 20mS Typ. mS Hold up time 20mS Typ. Regulation mV 20 48 60 96 144 192 a. Line Regulation 30 max mV 40 40 100 120 150 240 240 b. Load Regulation 0 to 50 50 120 150 240 360 480 c. Temperature +50C Coefficient -10 60 60 150 180 290 450 600 to 0C mV 20 20 48 60 96 144 192 d. Drift(maximum) % At AC100V 73%-88.5% Efficiency *1 At AC 200V 73.5%-90.5% No power factor needed Power Factor *1 Note: If you would like to buy a wire harness with this power supply, you may either order the wire harness through Molex or directly through ETA-USA. Please observe the following table: ETA POWER INPUT HOUSING OUTPUT HOUSING ETA WIRE HARNESS SUPPLY -JST -JST TERMINAL input/output ESS30-3.3V ESS30-05V ESS30-12V ESS30-15V 0010-63-3044- (5199-04) 0009-65-2049- (5277-04A) 5194PBT(L) WH-ESS30-J 40cm WIRE HARNESS ESS30-24V ESS30-36V ESS30-48V ETA USA 16170 Vineyard Blvd. Suite 180, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Visit us at: www.e Phone: 1-800-ETA-POWR, (408) 778-2793 Fax: (408) 779-2753 email at: sales