X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of FDB-1051 Fibre Optic Development Tools across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. FDB-1051 Fibre Optic Development Tools are a product manufactured by Finisar. We provide cost-effective solutions for Fibre Optic Development Tools, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

FDB-1051 Finisar

FDB-1051 electronic component of Finisar
FDB-1051 Finisar
FDB-1051 Fibre Optic Development Tools
FDB-1051  Embedded Solutions

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See Product Specifications
Part No. FDB-1051
Manufacturer: Finisar
Category: Fibre Optic Development Tools
Description: Fiber Optic Development Tools Quadwire/QSFP Breakout Evaluation Board, 1 - 28 Gbps, QSFP cage, SMP connectors
Datasheet: FDB-1051 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 1871.1694 ea
Line Total: USD 1871.17 
Availability - 8
Ship by Wed. 02 Apr to Fri. 04 Apr
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 02 Apr to Fri. 04 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 1871.1694

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We are delighted to provide the FDB-1051 from our Fibre Optic Development Tools category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the FDB-1051 and other electronic components in the Fibre Optic Development Tools category and beyond.

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Produuct Speecification FDDB-1051 QSFP++ / QSFPP28 Evaaluationn Board EEval Board Ground TP6, 17, 188, 19 & 20 MModule Vccc RX TP111 MModule Vccc TX TP225 MModule Vccc1 TP26 MModule Groound TP113 MModule +3..3V In - J288 TP28 annd 31 EEval Board +3.3 V In -- J29 TP332 and 36 22.5V Ref TP30 TTWI SCL TP23 TTWI SDA TP24 TThe Evaluaation Board has LEDss for the: TTWI SDAA and SCL LLow D1 aand D2 LLow Powerr Mode D3 MModule Reset Low DD4 MModule Sellect Low D5 MModule Powwer D9 EEval Board Power DD10 OVEERVIEW IInterrupt Loow D12 Finissars FDB-1051 QSFP+/QSFP28 MModule Preesent Low D15 Evaluuation Boarrd is designned for testing and eevaluating all 40G LWW, 40G-56G SW CCustomizedd Finisar Sooftware thaat is specificc QSFP+ and 1000G QSFP28 transceivvers as tto this prodduct is available. Please contact well as 40G-1000G Quadwiire Active Optical yyour local FFinisar Reppresentativee for details. Cables that are Power Claass 4 or lowwer. TThe GUI neeeds to be installed onn a This is not a moodule comppliance boarrd, but WWindows XXP or 7 Opperating Sysstem (32bitt it is ccompatible with MSA ccompliant QQSFP+ oor 64bit maachine) thatt has an avaailable and QQSFP28 traansceivers.. UUSB port. The USB (ttype B) porrt is on the uunderside oof the Eval Board. This daughterr CONNTENTS ccard is calleed FDB-INTT-USB3. The board conssists of a sinngle QSFP228 edgee connectorr and QSFPP28 cage SSPECIFICAATIONS asseembly, sixteen 50-ohm SMP coaxxial TThe FDB-1051 Evaluaation Boardd is meant connnectors (J8, J12-J16, aand J18-J277) for tto be poweered by a laboratory grrade supplyy the hhigh-speed differential transmitterr input vvoltage of 33.3VDC at aa maximumm of 1.2A and rreceiver ouutput signalss, and test points ffrom J28. JJ30 is grounnd. To separate the for mmonitoring thhe followingg pins: QQSFP28 mmodule poweer supply frrom the Moduule Reset LLow TP1 EEvaluation Board powwer supply, remove thee Moduule Low Poower Mode TP2 and TP7 hheader pin jumper at JJ69 and appply the Moduule Select TP3 and TTP9 EEvaluation Board powwer to J29. Note that Moduule Reset TP8 tthe MSA coompliant pi filter will still be used Moduule Interruppt TP10 ffor the QSFFP28 port inn either connfiguration. Moduule Presentt TP12 SStandard feemale banaana jacks are availablee Eval Board Vccc TP21, 222 and 29 ffor these coonnections. Finissar Corporation 008FEB2015 Rev B Page 1 Therre are two mmomentary switches oon the cclosest to the LEDs. The logic sstate of the Eval Board. Swwitch 1 is foor a manual reset LLow Powerr Mode is coontrolled byy S3 (only of thee QSFP28 end and #22 is a manuual aapplicable ffor QSFP+ or QSFP288 resett of the TWWI mux chip on the Evaal ttransceiverrs that havee a High Poower Mode Boarrd. ddue to operrating poweer consumpption > 1.5 WW). The MModule Seleect Low is controlled The high speedd lines are ddesigned soo there bby S5. is <1ps skew beetween eacch differential pair and <<9ps skew between any lanes. AAUTOMATTED CONTRROL MODEE The standard SMP connecctors used ffor the OOPERATIOON high speed diffeerential pairrs are malee and FFor GUI coontrolled operation set slider require a femalee cable. Ann example oof this sswitches S1, S3, and S5 (locatedd near the is thee Astrolab Minibend L2S-10PS 5. ttop left cornner) to the llogical zeroo position, This cable has ttwo female ends, and is long wwhich is to the left, cloosest to thee LEDs. enouugh to creatte an electrrical loopbaack SSet slider sswitches S44 and S6 to the logical (RX TX) path for testing. Another oone position, which is to the rightt, away exammple is the Fairview Microwave ffrom the LEEDs. Launnch the GUII called SCF34086-12. This cable has a SMPP TTransceiveer Workbencch QSFP MMSA. This femaale on one sside and SMMA male onn the GGUI will givve you acceess to the DDDM otherr. This is useful when connectingg the ((Digital Diaagnostic Moonitors) as wwell as let Eval Board to a Bit Error RRate Tester that yyou see and control Low Power MMode, has ffemale SMAA connectoors. AAlarms andd Warnings. The ffollowing heeader pins should not be GGUI INSTAALLATION channged: PPlease conntact Finisarr for the reqquired J1 coonnects thee Reset Loww switch to the ddriver and ssoftware GUI. See thee moduule. (conneected) ddatasheet ((FDB-INT-UUSB3) for thhe J2 coonnects thee Low Powere Mode swwitch to iinstallation of the driveers necessaary for the the mmodule. (coonnected) UUSB conneection. Oncce the Eval Board is J4 coonnects thee Module Seelect switchh to the seen by thhe machinee, the GUI ccan be moduule. (positioon 2-3) iinstalled. CCopy the folder J5 coonnects thee SDA bus tto the Transceiveer_Workbench_QSFPP_ microocontroller. (position 11-2) CCustomer__x.x.xx_EUI2_EUI3 too the J6 coonnects thee SCL bus tto the ccomputers hard drive. Find the executable microocontroller. (position 11-2) ffile Transcceiver_Workkbench_QSSFP_MSA. J7 coonnects thee Module Prresent line of the eexe and ruun this application. moduule to the mmicrocontroller. (positioon 2-3) NNOTES MANNUAL MODDE OPERATTION TThe rest of the connecctors, pins, tap points, If thee FDB-INT-USB3 is noot installed oor is hheaders annd ICs are ffor Finisar internal usee instaalled and thee GUI interfr ace is not used, oonly. the EEval Board can still be used in maanual FFigure 1. beelow showss the locatioons of modee, where it can serve aas a test plaatform iimportant ppoints menttioned in thiis for thhe QSFP288 module too be mounteed. ddatasheet. Set sslider switchhes S1, S3, S4, S5 annd S6 (locaated near thhe top left corner) to thhe logiccal zero possition, whichh is to the leeft, Finissar Corporation 008FEB2015 Rev B Page 2

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