X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of FRC-N1-A3P7-0R IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. FRC-N1-A3P7-0R IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units are a product manufactured by Fraen. We provide cost-effective solutions for IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

FRC-N1-A3P7-0R Fraen

FRC-N1-A3P7-0R electronic component of Fraen
FRC-N1-A3P7-0R Fraen
FRC-N1-A3P7-0R IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units
FRC-N1-A3P7-0R  Sensors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. FRC-N1-A3P7-0R
Manufacturer: Fraen
Category: IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units
Datasheet: FRC-N1-A3P7-0R Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
100: USD 1.2811 ea
Line Total: USD 128.11 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 100  Multiples: 100
Pack Size: 100
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Thu. 06 Mar to Wed. 12 Mar
MOQ : 100
Multiples : 100
100 : USD 1.2811
500 : USD 1.1388

Product Category
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the FRC-N1-A3P7-0R from our IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the FRC-N1-A3P7-0R and other electronic components in the IMUs - Inertial Measurement Units category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
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O P T I C S 8 5 Innovative Optical Solutions for Maximizing Light As one of the worlds premier optics providers for high-powered LEDs, Fraen continues to develop leading-edge standard optical components. These innovative solutions have all been specifically engineered, designed, and optimized for each individual LED. Features Benefits Applications High-efficiency TIR and Custom solutions available Architectural lighting reflector solutions Fully-automated lens injection Street lights Adjustable beam solutions available molding in United States Portable lighting Complete range of lenses New flat-top geometry allows Emergency lighting for a wider range of beam Software-optimized aspheric profile General illumination (MR11, shaping options Optimized lens holders and spacer MR16, and downlights) Provides the maximum rings available White goods and power tools performance possible utilizing the benefits of this new LED technology New reflectors use faceted structure technology providing excellent color mixing and uniformity Product Specifications Max. Distribution Distribution Optical Part Number Type LED Type Material Type Attachment Method Operating Markets Angle () Type Holder (Y/N) Temp. (C) Cree XR-E 7090 LED Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 8 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FC-N2-XR79-ZZ FC-M2-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 21 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FC-W2-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 29 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FC-E2-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA 8 x 44 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 Cree XR-E 7090 LED Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 8 Holder can be glued to PCB ZZZZ=HRLC or HRCN 80 FCT3-N2-XR79-ZZZZ FCT3-M2-XR79-ZZZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 21 Holder can be glued to PCB ZZZZ=HRLC or HRCN 80 FCT3-W2-XR79-ZZZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 29 Holder can be glued to PCB ZZZZ=HRLC or HRCN 80 FCG-N1-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 6 Holder can be heat staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FCG-M1-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 28 Holder can be heat staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 Secondary FCG-W1-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 42 Holder can be heat staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FCG-E1-XR79-ZZ Cree XR-E 7090 LED Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA 7 x 45 Holder can be heat staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FC3-N1-XR79-H Cree XR-E 7090 LED Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 6 Holder can be heat staked to PCB N 80 FC3-M1-XR79-H Cree XR-E 7090 LED Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 28 Holder can be heat staked to PCB N 80 FC3-W1-XR79-H Cree XR-E 7090 LED Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 42 Holder can be heat staked to PCB N 80 FNP-N1-N083-ZZ Nichia 083 Rigel LED Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 10 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FNP-M1-N083-ZZ Nichia 083 Rigel LED Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 27 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 Nichia 083 Rigel LED Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 40 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FNP-W1-N083-ZZ Nichia 083 Rigel LED Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA 13 x 42 Holder can be glued to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FNP-E1-N083-ZZ FRC-N1-XR79-0R Cree XR-E 7090 LED Narrow beam PC 7 Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-N1-MCE-0R Cree MC-E LED Narrow beam PC 11 Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 Reflector Cree MC-E LED Medium beam PC 25 Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-M1-MCE-0R Cree MC-E LED Wide beam PC Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-W1-MCE-0R 45 Cree XR-E 7090 LED Flood beam PC 60 Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-W1-XR79-0R COMMERCIAL LIGHTING FLASHLIGHTS TRANSPORTATION BACKLIGHTING SIGNAGE MMAARRKKEETTSS LLEEGGEENNDD *Distribution angle changes with LED color (see product datasheets); FWHM=full beamwidth measured at one-half of peak intensity; lenses can be ordered either alone, or with a spacer ring, or assemblied with a holder; spacers must be ordered seperately (when required); 0S: lens only; 0R: lens only; HS: square flange with holder; HR: round flange with holder; HST: square flange with transparent holder; HRF: round holder with flat bottom; If using FDG lens without holder, a spacer ring (p/n FDS-0S) is required and must be ordered seperately. See Fraen datasheet for more details. Beam angle is estimated from computer simulation Arrow Electronics Lighting Group 1.888.9LIGHT1 8 6 O P T I C S Innovative Optical Solutions for Maximizing Light Staying consistent with its philosophy to introduce revolutionary products, Fraen is planning to release a new family of variable focus optical systems in Q4 2008. These systems have been specifically designed to set a new standard by exceeding the variable beam requirements within the portable lighting market. Features Benefits Applications High-efficiency TIR and Custom solutions available Architectural lighting reflector solutions Fully-automated lens injection molding in U.S. Street lights Adjustable beam New flat-top geometry allows wider range Portable lighting solutions available of beam shaping options Emergency lighting Complete range of lenses Provides the maximum performance General illumination Software-optimized possible utilizing the benefits of this (MR11, MR16, and aspheric profile new LED technology downlights) Optimized lens holders New reflectors use faceted structure technology White goods and and spacer rings available providing excellent color mixing and uniformity power tools Product Specifications Max. Distribution Distribution Optical Part Number Type LED Type Material Type Attachment Method Operating Markets Type Angle () Holder (Y/N) Temp. (C) FDP-N1-D01-ZZ OSRAM Golden DRAGON Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 13 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0S, HS, or HSA 80 FDP-M1-DO1-ZZ OSRAM Golden/Platinum DRAGON Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 18 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0S, HS, or HSA 80 OSRAM Golden/Platinum/ FDG-N1-D01-ZZ Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 6.5 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0S, HS 80 Diamond DRAGON OSRAM Golden/Platinum/ FDG-M1-D01-ZZ Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 20.5 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0S, HS 80 Diamond DRAGON OSRAM Golden/Platinum/ FDG-W1-D01-ZZ Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 33.5 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0S, HS 80 Diamond DRAGON OSRAM Golden/Platinum/ FDG-E1-D01-ZZ Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA 10 x 20 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0S, HS 80 Diamond DRAGON FD3-N1-D01-H OSRAM Golden/Platinum DRAGON Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 10 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 FD3-M1-D01-H OSRAM Golden/Platinum DRAGON Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 13 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 FD4-M1-D01-0 OSRAM Golden/Platinum DRAGON Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 21.5 Custom MR 16 N 80 FSP-N1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 10 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FSP-M1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 24 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FSP-W1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 38 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 Secondary FSP-E1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA 10 x 50 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HRF 80 FP3-N1-SSP4-H Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 10 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 FP3-M1-SSP4-H Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 24 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 FP3-W1-SSP4-H Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 38 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 8 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FSG-N1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 25 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FSG-M1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 45 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FSG-W1-SSP4-ZZ Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA Holder can be heat-staked to PCB zz=0R or HR 80 FSG-E1-SSP4-ZZ 10 x 50 Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 FS3-N1-SSP4-H 8 Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Medium beam Optical grade PMMA Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 FS3-M1-SSP4-H 25 FS3-W1-SSP4-H Seoul Semiconductor z-power P4 Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 45 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB N 80 Seoul Semiconductor z-power P5 Narrow beam Optical grade PMMA 17 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB z=0 or H 80 FCM-N1-SSP5-Z Seoul Semiconductor z-power P5 Medium beam Optical grade PMMA 32 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB z=0 or H 80 FCM-M1-SSP5-Z FCM-W1-SSP5-Z Seoul Semiconductor z-power P5 Wide beam Optical grade PMMA 42 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB z=0 or H 80 FCM-E1-SSP5-Z Seoul Semiconductor z-power P5 Elliptical beam Optical grade PMMA 15 x 50 Holder can be heat-staked to PCB z=0 or H 80 OSRAM 4/6-chip OSTAR LED Narrow Beam Ultem 11 Holder can be glued N 150 FRC-N1-OE2B-0 OSRAM 4/6-chip OSTAR LED Medium beam Ultem 25 Holder can be glued to PCB N 150 FRC-M1-0E2B-0 Reflector Seoul Semiconductor P7 LED Narrow beam PC 11 Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-N1-A3P7-0R Seoul Semiconductor P7 LED Medium beam PC Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-M1-A3P7-0R 25 Seoul Semiconductor P7 LED Wide beam PC Holder can be glued to PCB N 120 FRC-W1-A3P7-0R 45 COMMERCIAL LIGHTING FLASHLIGHTS TRANSPORTATION BACKLIGHTING SIGNAGE MMAARRKKEETTSS LLEEGGEENNDD *Distribution angle changes with LED color (see product datasheets); FWHM=full beamwidth measured at one-half of peak intensity: lenses can be ordered either alone, or with a spacer ring, or assemblied with a holder; spacers must be ordered seperately (when required); 0S: lens only; 0R: lens only; HS: square flange with holder; HR: round flange with holder; HST: square flange with transparent holder; HRF: round holder with flat bottom; If using FDG lens without holder, a spacer ring (p/n FDS-0S) is required and must be ordered seperately. See Fraen datasheet for more details. Beam angle is estimated from computer simulation Arrow Electronics Lighting Group 1.888.9LIGHT1

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