US232 Eval Cable for FT8U232AM US232 User Manual and Installation Guide Introduction The US232 evaluation cable can be used for testing the functionality of the FT8U232AM USB UART device and drivers prior to design-in. The electronics are housed in an attractive translucent blue enclosure with a matching 1m clear translucent cable. The US232 evaluation cable includes a Drivers and Utilities CD complete with WHQL certifi ed VCP drivers for Windows XP, installation guides and the FTDI Product Data CD, which contains an off-line version of the data sheets, schematics and application notes from FTDIs web site. Features Application Areas Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 460,800 baud Modems Internal 128 byte TX buffer and 384 byte RX buffer ISDN Terminal Adapters Standard DB-9/M RS232 connector Serial PDA Interfacing Full Modem Support Signal Set Digital Cameras Hardware assisted RTS/CTS , DSR/DTR and X-On/ Smart Card Readers X-Off handshaking options Terminals Transmit and Receive LED Indicators Serial Printers Integral 1m USB Cable Serial Point of Sale ( P.O.S. ) devices Works with USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 Host Controllers Industrial Control Devices Full Speed USB data transfer rates RS232 Peripheral Upgrades USB No IRQ or DMA resources required Remote Wakeup Capable Uses FTDIs FT8U232AM USB UART i.c. Powered from USB no external power adapter required Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP drivers MAC OS-8, OS-9 and OS-X drivers Drivers included in Linux release 2.40 and greater Copyright Future Technology Devices Intl. Ltd. 2002 Page 1 of 2US232 Eval Cable for FT8U232AM Installation Instructions ( P.C. ) Before plugging the adapter into the PCs USB port, please insert the US232 Driver and Utility CD into the CD drive of the PC. The PC will then display a menu ( pictured above ) showing the installation guides for the different versions of Windows. These guides are written in HTML and will display on the internet browser of your PC. We recommend that you review the installation guide for your versions of Windows prior to proceeding. Plug the adapter into a USB ( or USB hub ) port on your PC and follow the procedure outlined in the installation guide. Installation usually only takes a few seconds if you are already familiar with the procedure. Should you wish to uninstall the drivers at a later date, please consult the uninstall guide on the CD which explains the correct procedure. For your convenience, the US232 CD also includes installable versions of WINZIP 8.0 and Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 should you not already have these on your system. Also included is the FTDI Product Data CD which contains data sheets, application notes and schematics for FTDIs USB UART and USB FIFO USB devices. For the most up to date information, visit FTDIs web site a convenient button is provided to launch your Internet browser and take you directly to the web site. Installation Instructions ( MAC / Linux ) MAC drivers should be downloaded from the Drivers and Utilities page of the FTDI web site. Instructions on installation can be found there. Linux systems with an O.S. version of 4.20 and higher already have the driver included with the O.S. no installation is required just plug the device into the PC. Copyright Future Technology Devices Intl. Ltd. 2002 Page 2 of 2