?The ULN2803 Darlington Transistor Array manufactured by Gcore is an 18-pin package (SOP-18-300mil) that is RoHS compliant and comes with a variety of features. This device features 8 Darlington Transistor Array channels which can be used to either switch or drive loads. It offers a maximum current of 300mA at 3V and 2V, 0.93mA at 3.85V, and 0.85V at 250uA, 100mA. It also includes protection diodes for each output, internal clamp diodes, and output sink current limiting. It is designed specifically to meet the needs of ISO/IEC standards and IEC 60950-1 safety requirements. This device is typically used in applications such as motor control, relay drivers, switching industrial loads, and general-purpose TTL interfaces.