32 Mbit (x8/x16) Concurrent SuperFlash
GLS36VF3203 / GLS36VF3204
GLS36VF3201C / 1602C32Mb (x8/x16) Concurrent SuperFlash
Data Sheet
Organized as 2M x16 or 4M x8 Block-Erase Capability
Dual Bank Architecture for Concurrent Uniform 32 KWord blocks
Read/Write Operation
Erase-Suspend / Erase-Resume Capabilities
32 Mbit Bottom Sector Protection
Security ID Feature
(in the smaller bank)
Greenliant: 128 bits
- GLS36VF3203: 8 Mbit + 24 Mbit
User: 256 Bytes
32 Mbit Top Sector Protection
Fast Read Access Time
(in the smaller bank)
- GLS36VF3204: 24 Mbit + 8 Mbit
70 ns
Single 2.7-3.6V for Read and Write Operations
Latched Address and Data
Superior Reliability
Fast Erase and Program (typical):
Endurance: 100,000 cycles (typical)
Sector-Erase Time: 18 ms
Greater than 100 years Data Retention
Block-Erase Time: 18 ms
Chip-Erase Time: 35 ms
Low Power Consumption:
Program Time: 7 s
Active Current: 6 mA typical
Automatic Write Timing
Standby Current: 4 A typical
Auto Low Power Mode: 4 A typical
Internal V Generation
Hardware Sector Protection/WP# Input Pin
End-of-Write Detection
Protects 8 KWord in the smaller bank by driving
Toggle Bit
WP# low and unprotects by driving WP# high
Data# Polling
Ready/Busy# pin
Hardware Reset Pin (RST#)
CMOS I/O Compatibility
Resets the internal state machine to reading
array data
Conforms to Common Flash Memory Interface (CFI)
Byte# Pin
JEDEC Standards
Selects 8-bit or 16-bit mode
Flash EEPROM Pinouts and command sets
Sector-Erase Capability
Packages Available
Uniform 2 KWord sectors
48-ball TFBGA (6mm x 8mm)
48-lead TSOP (12mm x 20mm)
Chip-Erase Capability
The GLS36VF320x are 2M x16 or 4M x8 CMOS Concur- ware Data Protection schemes. Designed, manufactured,
rent Read/Write Flash Memory manufactured with high and tested for a wide spectrum of applications, these
performance SuperFlash technology. The split-gate cell devices are offered with a guaranteed endurance of 10,000
design and thick-oxide tunneling injector attain better reli- cycles. Data retention is rated at greater than 100 years.
ability and manufacturability compared with alternate
These devices are suited for applications that require con-
approaches. The devices write (Program or Erase) with a
venient and economical updating of program, configura-
2.7-3.6V power supply and conform to JEDEC standard
tion, or data memory. For all system applications, the
pinouts for x8/x16 memories.
devices significantly improve performance and reliability,
Featuring high performance Word-Program, these devices while lowering power consumption. Since for any given
provide a typical Program time of 7 sec and use the Tog- voltage range, the SuperFlash technology uses less cur-
gle Bit, Data# Polling, or RY/BY# to detect the completion rent to program and has a shorter erase time, the total
of the Program or Erase operation. To protect against inad- energy consumed during any Erase or Program operation
vertent write, the devices have on-chip hardware and Soft-
2010 Greenliant Systems, Ltd. www.greenliant.com S71270-05-000 05/1032 Mbit Concurrent SuperFlash
GLS36VF3203 / GLS36VF3204
Data Sheet
is less than alternative flash technologies. These devices
Concurrent Read/Write Operation
also improve flexibility while lowering the cost for program,
The dual bank architecture of these devices allows the
data, and configuration storage applications.
Concurrent Read/Write operation whereby the user can
SuperFlash technology provides fixed Erase and Program read from one bank while programming or erasing in the
times, independent of the number of Erase/Program other bank. For example, reading system code in one bank
cycles that have occurred. Therefore the system software while updating data in the other bank.
or hardware does not have to be modified or de-rated as is
necessary with alternative flash technologies, whose
Concurrent Read/Write State
Erase and Program times increase with accumulated
Bank 1 Bank 2
Erase/Program cycles.
Read No Operation
To meet high-density, surface-mount requirements, these
Read Write
devices are offered in 48-ball TFBGA and 48-lead TSOP
Write Read
packages. See Figures 2 and 3 for pin assignments.
Write No Operation
No Operation Read
Device Operation
No Operation Write
Memory operation functions are initiated using standard
Note: For the purposes of this table, write means to perform Block-
microprocessor write sequences. A command is written by
or Sector-Erase or Program operations as applicable to the
asserting WE# low while keeping CE# low. The address
appropriate bank.
bus is latched on the falling edge of WE# or CE#, which-
ever occurs last. The data bus is latched on the rising edge
Read Operation
of WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first.
The Read operation is controlled by CE# and OE#; both
have to be low for the system to obtain data from the out-
Auto Low Power Mode
puts. CE# is used for device selection. When CE# is high,
These devices also have the Auto Lower Power mode
the chip is deselected and only standby power is con-
which puts them in a near standby mode within 500 ns after
sumed. OE# is the output control and is used to gate data
data has been accessed with a valid Read operation. This
from the output pins. The data bus is in a high impedance
reduces the I active Read current to 4 A typically. While
DD state when either CE# or OE# is high. Refer to the Read
CE# is low, the devices exit Auto Low Power mode with
cycle timing diagram for further details (Figure 4).
any address transition or control signal transition used to
initiate another Read cycle, with no access time penalty.
Program Operation
These devices are programmed on a word-by-word or
byte-by-byte basis depending on the state of the BYTE#
pin. Before programming, one must ensure that the sector
which is being programmed is fully erased.
The Program operation is accomplished in three steps:
1. Software Data Protection is initiated using the
three-byte load sequence.
2. Address and data are loaded.
During the Program operation, the addresses are
latched on the falling edge of either CE# or WE#,
whichever occurs last. The data is latched on the
rising edge of either CE# or WE#, whichever
occurs first.
3. The internal Program operation is initiated after
the rising edge of the fourth WE# or CE#, which-
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