HDSC's HC32F196JCTA-LQ48 is a 32-bit microcontroller based on the ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC processor core. It is packaged in a LQFP-48 RoHS compliant package and offers 256K bytes of Flash memory and up to 48K bytes of user RAM. The device also includes a variety of system peripherals, such as a real-time clock, up to five independent 16-bit timers, two independent 16-bit PWMs, three DMA channels, two I2C/SPI serial interfaces, an LCD interface, a battery-backed SRAM, and an analog comparator. The chip also supports low power sleep mode operation and wake-up from standby mode. It runs at clock speeds up to 48MHz, and its built-in power management module regulates the core voltage for best power efficiency. The HC32F196JCTA-LQ48 provides 2.5V to 3.3V I/O range, and is optimized for automotive, industrial, and consumer applications.