The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
Ultra-small Rectangular Multi-electrode solderless Connectors for Rack and Panel Applications
QR/P8 Series is a series of small connectors for rack been well received in the market. Three different elec-
and panel application. This is a smaller-size version of trode numbers are available: 8,12 and 20. Wires are
the QR/P and QR/P1 Series, whose rectangular multi- connected to the connectors without solder for easier
electrode plug in connectors for racks and panels have connection and higher reliability.
(1) The connector of this series is about 20% smaller in nals for signals.
length than of the QR/P4 Series with the same num- (4) The pins give stable contact pressure because of
ber of electrodes. their point contact with the receptacle blades, and
(2) Two pairs of electrodes on two sides have a pitch of have a larger allowance for the variation of connec-
5.3 mm at the reinforcement of the housing guide tion length - a characteristic of plug-in connectors.
pins, making the connector size smaller and (5) The guide pins and the housing body are moulded
enabling the connector to withstand high voltages. as one piece to achieve a smaller connector size.
These electrodes therefore can be used for power (6) Since the connectors are mounted on racks or pan-
supply. The terminals for signals have a pitch of 2 els with stepped screws, connection and disconnec-
mm tion can be done easily.
(3) Wires of AWG #20 - 28 can be connected with the (7) The connectors of this series have passed UL, CSA
two pairs of terminals on the two sides, while wires and TV standards.
of AWG #24 - 28 can be connectord with the termi-
PPC, Transmission and reception equipment, Data Communication, Vending Machine, Measuring Instruments,
Automatic Equipment, Switchboards, etc.
Dec.1.2018 Copyright 2018 HIROSE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
Material and Finish
Ordering Information
Connector Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(1) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(1) Series Name (7) Contact Type
(2) No.of Pins (8, 12, 20) 1: Loose Contact
(3) Type of Housing 2: Chain Contact
P: Plug Housing (8) Applicable wire
S: Socket Housing 1: Thick Wire AWG #20 - #24 . . . For two holes at both ends
(4) Type of Termination 2: Thin Wire AWG #24 - #28
C: Criming (9) Finish
(5) UL, CSA Approved Spec. 1: Selective Gold plated over Nickel
(6) Type of Contact
PC: Pin Contact
SC: Socket Contact
Dec.1.2018 Copyright 2018 HIROSE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.