The SI2305 is a MOSFET transistor manufactured by Hottech that features a P-Trench 12V 4.1A 900mV @ 250uA 90 mΩ @ 2A, 1.8V SOT-23 (SOT-23-3) RoHS package. The SI2305 MOSFET transistor can be used for a variety of applications, including DC motor or fan control, switchmode power conversion, general purpose switching, booster circuits, and other switching related tasks. It features low on-state resistance of 90 mΩ @ 2A, 1.8V, as well as low gate-threshold voltage 900mV @ 250uA. Also, the device is RoHS-compliant and comes in a SOT-23-3 (surface-mount technology) package. The SI2305 is a reliable, high-performance MOSFET transistors with exceptional temperature stability and low power operation.