MB91460S Series FR60 32-bit Microcontroller MB91460S series is a line of general-purpose 32-bit RISC microcontrollers designed for embedded control applications which require high-speed real-time processing, such as consumer devices and on-board vehicle systems. This series uses the FR60 CPU, which is compatible with the FR family of CPUs. This series contains the LIN-USART, CAN and APIX controllers. Features LIN-USART (full duplex double buffer): 6 channels FR60 CPU core Clock synchronous/asynchronous selectable 32-bit RISC, load/store architecture, five-stage pipeline Sync-break detection 16-bit fixed-length instructions (basic instructions) Internal dedicated baud rate generator 2 Instruction execution speed: 1 instruction per cycle I C bus interface (supports 400 kbps): 3 channels Master/slave transmission and reception Instructions including memory-to-memory transfer, bit Arbitration function, clock synchronization function manipulation, and barrel shift instructions: Instructions suitable for embedded applications CAN controller (C-CAN): 2 channels Maximum transfer speed: 1 Mbps Function entry/exit instructions and register data multi-load 32 transmission/reception message buffers store instructions : Instructions supporting C language APIX controller Register interlock function: Facilitating assembly-language coding APIX link (105Mbit / 6Mbit): 1 channel Automotive Interconnect links (5Mbit / 6Mbit): 2 links Built-in multiplier with instruction-level support Sound generator : 1 channel Signed 32-bit multiplication: 5 cycles Tone frequency : PWM frequency divide-by-two Signed 16-bit multiplication: 3 cycles (reload value + 1) Interrupts (save PC/PS) : 6 cycles (16 priority levels) Alarm comparator : 1 channel Harvard architecture enabling program access and data Monitor external voltage access to be performed simultaneously Generate an interrupt in case of voltage lower/higher than the defined thresholds (reference voltage) Instructions compatible with the FR family 16-bit PPG timer : 16 channels Internal peripheral resources 16-bit PFM timer : 1 channel General-purpose ports : Maximum 133 ports 16-bit reload timer: 8 channels DMAC (DMA Controller) 16-bit free-run timer: 8 channels (1 channel each for ICU and Maximum of 5 channels able to operate simultaneously. OCU) 2 transfer sources (internal peripheral/software) Activation source can be selected using software. Input capture: 8 channels (operates in conjunction with the Addressing mode specifies full 32-bit addresses free-run timer) (increment/decrement/fixed) Output compare: 4 channels (operates in conjunction with the Transfer mode (demand transfer/burst transfer/step free-run timer) transfer/block transfer) Transfer data size selectable from 8/16/32-bit Up/Down counter: 4 channels (48-bit or 2 16 bit) Multi-byte transfer enabled (by software) Watchdog timer DMAC descriptor in I/O areas (200 to 240 , 1000 to H H H 1024 ) H Real-time clock A/D converter (successive approximation type) Low-power consumption modes : Sleep/stop mode function 10-bit resolution: 16 channels Low voltage detection circuit Conversion time: minimum 1 s Clock monitor External interrupt inputs : 16 channels 2 Shares the CAN RX pin and I C SDA pin Clock supervisor Bit search module (for REALOS) Monitors the sub-clock (32 kHz) and the main clock (4 MHz) , and switches to a recovery clock (CR oscillator, Function to search from the MSB (most significant bit) for the etc.) when the oscillations stop. position of the first 0, 1, or changed bit in a word Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 408-943-2600 Document Number: 002-04623 Rev. *A Revised May 27, 2016 MB91460S Series * Clock modulator Package and technology Sub-clock calibration Package : LQFP-176 Corrects the real-time clock timer when operating with the CMOS 0.18 m technology 32 kHz or CR oscillator Power supply range 3 V to 5 V (1.8 V internal logic provided by Main oscillator stabilization timer a step-down voltage converter) Generates an interrupt in sub-clock mode after the stabilization wait time has elapsed on the 23-bit stabilization Operating temperature range: between - 40C and + 105C wait time counter Sub-oscillator stabilization timer Generates an interrupt in main clock mode after the stabilization wait time has elapsed on the 15-bit stabilization wait time counter *: The clock modulator is currently being evaluated and should not be used for other purpose than testing. Note: APIX is a registered mark of INOVA Semiconductors GmbH Document Number: 002-04623 Rev. *A Page 2 of 143