CPC1727 Single-Pole, Normally Open ISOPLUS-264 DC Power Relay INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Characteristics Description IXYS Integrated Circuits Division and IXYS have Parameter Rating Units combined to bring OptoMOS technology, reliability V Blocking Voltage 250 P and compact size to a new family of high-power Solid State Relays. Load Current, T =25C: A With 5C/W Heat Sink 8.6 As part of this family, the CPC1727 single-pole A DC No Heat Sink 3.4 normally open (1-Form-A) DC Solid State Power Relay employs optically coupled MOSFET technology On-Resistance (max) 0.09 to provide 2500V of input to output isolation. rms R JC 0.3 C/W The optically coupled outputs, that use patented Features OptoMOS architecture, are controlled by a highly 8.6A Load Current with 5C/W Heat Sink efficient GaAIAs infrared LED. The combination of low DC Low 0.09 On-Resistance on-resistance and high load current handling 250V Blocking Voltage capability makes this relay suitable for a variety of high P performance DC switching applications. 2500V Input/Output Isolation rms Low Thermal Resistance (0.3 C/W) The unique ISOPLUS-264 package pioneered by Electrically Non-Conductive Thermal Pad for Heat IXYS enables Solid State Relays to achieve the Sink Applications highest load current and power ratings. This package Low Drive Power Requirements features a unique IXYS process where the silicon Arc-Free With No Snubbing Circuits chips are soft soldered onto the Direct Copper Bond No EMI/RFI Generation (DCB) substrate instead of the traditional copper Machine Insertable, Wave Solderable leadframe. The DCB ceramic, the same substrate Applications used in high power modules, not only provides 2500V isolation, but also very low thermal rms Industrial Controls / Motor Control resistance (0.3 C/W). Robotics Medical EquipmentPatient/Equipment Isolation Instrumentation Multiplexers Ordering Information Data Acquisition Electronic Switching I/O Subsystems Part Description Meters (Watt-Hour, Water, Gas) CPC1727J ISOPLUS-264 Package (25 per tube) Transportation Equipment Aerospace/Defense Switching Characteristics Approvals UL 508 Certified Component: File E69938 Form-A CSA Certified Component: Certificate 1172007 Pin Configuration I F 90% 10% 12 3 4 I LOAD t t on off +- - + e3 DS-CPC1727-R04 www.ixysic.com 1CPC1727 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION 1 Specifications 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 25C Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in Symbol Ratings Units excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at conditions Blocking Voltage 250 V P beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this Reverse Input Voltage 5 V data sheet is not implied. Input Control Current 100 mA Peak (10ms) 1 A Input Power Dissipation 150 mW Isolation Voltage, Input to Output 2500 V rms Operational Temperature -40 to +85 C Storage Temperature -40 to +125 C 1.2 Electrical Characteristics 25C Parameter Conditions Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units Output Characteristics 1 Load Current Peak t10ms A 30 P Continuous No Heat Sink I 3.4 L -- T =25C Continuous A C 20 DC T =99C Continuous I C 4.2 L(99) 2 I =10mA, I =1A R On-Resistance F L -0.0675 0.09 ON V =250V Off-State Leakage Current I L P LEAK -- 1 A Switching Speeds Turn-On t -5.5 20 on I =20mA, V =10V ms F L Turn-Off t - 0.125 5 off V =25V, f=1MHz Output Capacitance C L out -700 - pF Input Characteristics 3 I =1A I Input Control Current to Activate L -- 10 mA F Input Control Current to Deactivate - I 0.6 - - mA F I =5mA Input Voltage Drop V F F 0.9 1.2 1.4 V V =5V Reverse Input Current I R -- 10 A R Input/Output Characteristics Input-to-Output Capacitance - C I/O -1- pF 1 Higher load currents possible with proper heat sinking. 2 Measurement taken within 1 second of on-time. 3 For applications requiring high temperature operation (> 60C) a LED drive current of 20mA is recommended. R04 www.ixysic.com 2