The IXBH2N250 with IGBT Transistors in a Disc form is a BiMSFT-VeryHiVolt IGBT that is manufactured by IXYS. This part is a two-terminal insulated gate device that is compatible with the TO-247AD package and is composed of an Si-family insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and a built-in antiparallel diode. Its electrical characteristics include a high blocking voltage (TJ=25C) of 2500V, a collector-emitter voltage rating of 600V, and a current of 250A. The maximum junction temperature rating is 150C, and it has a low gate triggering current. Other features include high frequency operation, low gate drive power supply, fast switching, built-in self-protection, and low dynamic resistance. The IXBH2N250 with IGBT Transistors is ideally suited for power drive systems such as motor control, AC inverters, and drives for household appliances.