The IXGT24N170 is an IGBT Transistor manufactured by IXYS. It is rated at 24 amps and 1200V, and operates on a 3.3V Rds. This IGBT transistor is suitable for many medium to high power applications in the power conversion and motor control markets. The IXGT24N170 is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, vibration, and shock. It features high thermal impedance with a maximum junction temperature rating of 175 C, a VCE of -5V to 800V, and a gate-to-emitter voltage of +/-15V to 45V. This IGBT transistor is RoHS Compliant, lead and halogen free, and has UL certification. It is suitable for a variety of applications, from Industrial Automation, Renewable Energy, and Automotive to Home Appliances.