The MMIX1G320N60B3 is a high-performance, low-cost, insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) module, manufactured by IXYS. It features a nominal blocking voltage of 1,200 V and a continuous collector current rating of up to 320 A. The module is designed for use in switched-mode power supplies, universal motor drives, and other industrial applications. It has a robust, standard package design for easy integration into existing power conversion designs. The module is equipped with a Diode-Clamped IGBT, phase leg configuration, and dual top-side cooling for improved system efficiency and reliability. The IGBTs are isolated from the cooling baseplate and are clamped using four electrically isolated mounting screws. The module also features internal degaussing components, built-in Miller clamp, and built-in snubbers to ensure its reliability in use.