Preliminary Technical Information TM V = 600V XPT 600V IGBT MMIX1X200N60B3 CES TM I = 120A GenX3 C110 V 1.7V CE(sat) (Electrically Isolated Tab) t = 110ns fi(typ) Extreme Light Punch Through C IGBT for 10-30kHz Switching G Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings V T = 25C to 175C 600 V E CES J V T = 25C to 175C, R = 1M 600 V CGR J GE V Continuous 20 V GES Isolated Tab V Transient 30 V GEM C I T = 25C (Chip Capability) 223 A C25 C I T = 110C 120 A C110 C I T = 25C, 1ms 1000 A CM C E I T = 25C 100 A A C E T = 25C 1 J AS C G SSOA V = 15V, T = 150C, R = 1 I = 400 A GE VJ G CM (RBSOA) Clamped Inductive Load V V G = Gate E = Emitter CE CES C = Collector t V = 15V, V = 360V, T = 150C 10 s sc GE CE J (SCSOA) R = 10, Non Repetitive Features G P T = 25C 625 W C C z Silicon Chip on Direct-Copper Bond T -55 ... +175 C (DCB) Substrate J z Isolated Mounting Surface T 175 C JM z 2500V~ Electrical Isolation T -55 ... +175 C stg z Optimized for Low Conduction and T Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering 300 C Switching Losses L T 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) from Case for 10 260 C z Avalanche Rated SOLD z Short Circuit Capability V 50/60Hz, 1 minute 2500 V~ ISOL z Very High Current Capability F Mounting Force 50..200/11..45 N/lb. z C Square RBSOA Weight 8 g Advantages z High Power Density z Low Gate Drive Requirement Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (T = 25C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max. J BV I = 250A, V = 0V 600 V Applications CES C GE V I = 250A, V = V 3.5 6.0 V z GE(th) C CE GE Power Inverters z UPS I V = V , V = 0V 50 A CES CE CES GE z Motor Drives Note 2, T = 150C 3 mA J z SMPS z I V = 0V, V = 20V 200 nA PFC Circuits GES CE GE z Battery Chargers V I = 100A, V = 15V, Note 1 1.40 1.70 V CE(sat) C GE z Welding Machines T = 150C 1.58 V J z Lamp Ballasts 2013 IXYS CORPORATION, All Rights Reserved DS100472A(02/13)MMIX1X200N60B3 Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (T = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max. J g I = 60A, V = 10V, Note 1 27 45 S fs C CE C 9970 pF ies C V = 25V, V = 0V, f = 1MHz 570 pF oes CE GE C 183 pF res Q 315 nC g(on) Q I = 200A, V = 15V, V = 0.5 V 98 nC ge C GE CE CES Q 130 nC gc t 48 ns d(on) Inductive load, T = 25C t 100 ns J ri I = 100A, V = 15V E 2.85 mJ C GE on V = 360V, R = 1 t 160 ns CE G d(off) t 110 ns Note 3 fi E 2.90 4.40 mJ f of t 46 ns d(on) Inductive load, T = 150C t 94 ns J ri I = 100A, V = 15V E 4.40 mJ C GE on V = 360V, R = 1 t 180 ns CE G d(off) t 215 ns Note 3 fi E 3.45 mJ off R 0.24 C/W thJC R 0.05 C/W thCS Notes: 1. Pulse test, t 300 s, duty cycle, d 2%. 2. Part must be heatsunk for high-temp I measurement. CES 3. Switching times & energy losses may increase for higher V (Clamp), T or R . CE J G PRELIMANARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION The product presented herein is under development. The Technical Specifications offered are derived from a subjective evaluation of the design, based upon prior knowledge and experience, and constitute aconsidered reflectio of the anticipated result. IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions without notice. IXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions. IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered 4,835,592 4,931,844 5,049,961 5,237,481 6,162,665 6,404,065 B1 6,683,344 6,727,585 7,005,734 B2 7,157,338B2 by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 4,860,072 5,017,508 5,063,307 5,381,025 6,259,123 B1 6,534,343 6,710,405 B2 6,759,692 7,063,975 B2 4,881,106 5,034,796 5,187,117 5,486,715 6,306,728 B1 6,583,505 6,710,463 6,771,478 B2 7,071,537