Sino-MicroelectronicsThe JCS4N60CB-220C with MOSFET N Trench 600V 4A (Tc) 4V @ 250uA 2.4 Ω @ 2A, 10V TO-220C RoHS manufactured by Jilin Sino-Microelectronics is an electronic component that is part of a MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) that is used for power switching purposes in various electronic devices. Its main features include a reverse voltage rating of up to 600V, a maximum current rating of 4A, a threshold voltage of 4V, a gate leakage current of 250uA, an on-resistance of 2.4 Ω at 2A, and a breakdown voltage of 10V. It is housed in a TO-220C RoHS package, and is manufactured by Jilin Sino-Microelectronics This component offers excellent performance, stability, and reliability for various types of electronic applications.