The KIA7N60HB is a surface mount N-channel MOSFET that is manufactured by KIA. It has a trench 600V 7A Max Tc, 4V @ 250uA, 1.2 O@ 3.5A, 10V, and a TO-263-2 package. It is RoHS compliant. This MOSFET is ideal for use in medium frequency switching applications, as it has a low gate charge and low operating and storage temperatures.Additionally, it has low output capacitance, fast switching, and high current handling capability. This particular MOSFET is capable of handling up to 7A of continuous current and can operate at up to 600V of voltage. It is also designed to have a maximum temperature rise of 4V at 250uA and a maximum RDS(on) of 1.2O at 3.5A.