The PIC16F15344-E/P is a 14-pin members of the enhanced mid-range (eMR) 8-bit microcontroller family from Microchip. It features a 32-bit instruction set and operates at a maximum frequency of 32MHz. It also has an 8-level deep hardware stack and up to 2048 bytes of Flash program memory, 128 bytes of RAM and 32 bytes of EEPROM data memory. This device has multiple digital I/O, one 4-channel 10-bit A/D converter, 1 capture/compare/PWM (CCP) module, one Enhanced Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (EUSART) module, one master synchronous serial port (MSSP) with both SPI and I2C protocol support, and Sleep modes. This device is suitable for applications such as Resistive Touch Interfaces, Low-Power Lighting Control, Home/Building Automation, Wireless Sensor Networks, and other low-power embedded control applications.