The PIC16F767-I/SO is a low-cost, 8-bit Flash microcontroller from Microchip. It features an Extended 14-Bit Instruction Word, 18-Bit Wide Program Memory and Parallel/Serial I/O. It has an extensive suite of peripheral and communications options, such as an 8-bit Parallel Slave Port, 2x USART, 4x Timers and CCP, 2x Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules, 4x Input Capture modules, 2x Output Compare modules, 1x ISO SPI port with Software Controlled Slave Select, 1x I2C and 1x SPI. It is also fully supported by many development tools, such as MPLAB and PICkit3. In addition, the PIC16F767-I/SO is pin-compatible with other devices in the PIC16 family, allowing for increased design flexibility.