The PL502-39OI is an extremely low power, 8-bit microcontroller, designed and manufactured by Microchip Technology. It is based on a low-power RISC architecture and utilizes a 7-stage Harvard pipeline architecture to minimize code size, while providing maximum operating speed. The PL502-39OI's flexible design allows the user to choose the appropriate memory size, pins, and package type for their application. It comes in two packages - a 28-pin DIP or 44-pin TQFP - and offers up to 8 Kb of program memory, 64 Byte of sRAM, and two programmable SPI/I2C ports. The PL502-39OI also features a built-in PLL and oscillator, allowing for optimal clock frequency and operation. The device also includes multiple debug and programming capabilities, such as In-System Programming (ISP), In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP), and the Microchip MPLAB XC8 Compiler.