SM802124 ClockWorks DUAL 125MHz Ultra-Low Jitter, CMOS Frequency Synthesizer General Description Features The SM802124 is a member of the ClockWorks family of Generates two LVCMOS clock outputs at 125MHz devices from Micrel and provides an extremely low-noise 2.5V or 3.3V operating range timing solution for Ethernet clock signals. It is based upon Typical rms phase jitter 125MHz a unique patented RotaryWave architecture that provides 1.875MHz to 20MHz : 85fs very-low phase noise. (Input source dependent) The device operates from a 3.3V or 2.5V power supply Industrial temperature range (40C to +85C) and synthesizes two CMOS output clocks at 125MHz from a 15MHz LVCMOS reference clock. Green, RoHS, and PFOS compliant Data sheets and support documentation can be found on Available in 24-pin 4mm 4mm QFN package Micrels web site at: wwHU w.micrel.comUH. Applications Gigabit Ethernet Block Diagram ClockWorks is a trademark of Micrel, Inc RotaryWave is a registered trademark of Multigig, Inc. Micrel Inc. 2180 Fortune Drive San Jose, CA 95131 USA tel +1 (408) 944-0800 fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 Micrel, Inc. SM802124 (1) Ordering Information Part Number Marking Shipping Temperature Range Package SM802124UMG 802124 Tube 40C to +85C 24-Pin QFN SM802124UMGTR 802124 Tape and Reel 24-Pin QFN 40C to +85C Note: 1. Devices are Green, RoHS, and PFOS compliant. Pin Configuration 24-Pin QFN (code) (Top View) M9999-101311-B September 2011 hbwhelp or (408) 955-1690