The H-BRIDGE DRIVER CLICK from MikroElektronika is a motor driver click board, based on the MC33883 H-bridge driver. It enables control of DC motors – by providing motion directions, and speed control. It is designed to control the direction of electronic motors, based on voltages ranging from 3.3V to 5V. The board features an SN754410 quad half-H-bridge driver IC, with 4 inputs (running mode, rail to rail output, high current capability, etc.) and four outputs (motor control pins or PWM pins). It also features a GPIO connector with selectable logic voltage, providing an MCU interface for controlling the onboard motor driving configuration. The H-BRIDGE DRIVER CLICK is suitable for a wide range of motor control applications, such as brushless motors, stepper motors, brushed motors, and other types of motion related applications. It is also suitable for controlling various robotic applications, including robotic arms, articulated robots, etc.