MCU Cards Manual for BIGPIC5 development system All Mikroelektronikas development systems feature a large number of peripheral modules expanding microcontrollers range of application and making the process of program testing easier. In addition to these modules, it is also possible to use numerous additional modules linked to the development system through the I/O port connectors. Some of these additional modules can operate as stand-alone devices without being connected to the microcontroller. Additional Board MCU Cards for BIGPIC5 Development System The BIGPIC5 development system is supported by empty 64- and 80-pin MCU cards. Schematics provided herein show these MCU cards with soldered microcontrollers. Instead of microcontrollers used in these examples, you can choose and solder another ones. Prior to soldering, check which microcontrollers can be placed on the respective MCU card just to be sure that they are compatible. Supported microcontrollers: 64-pin MCU cards support the following microcontrollers: PIC18F6520-PT, PIC18F6620-PT, PIC18F6720-PT, PIC18F6310-PT, PIC18F6410-PT, PIC18F6390-PT, PIC18F6490-PT, PIC18F6585-PT and PIC18F6680-PT. 80-pin MCU cards support the following microcontrollers: PIC18F8527-PT, PIC18F8622-PT, PIC18F8627-PT, PIC18F8722-PT, PIC18F8390-PT, PIC18F8490-PT, PIC18F8520-PT, PIC18F8620-PT, PIC18F8720-PT, PIC18F8310-PT, PIC18F8410-PT, PIC18F8585-PT and PIC18F8680-PT. Figure 1: 64-pin MCU card and microcontroller connection schematic MikroElektronika