The 74HCT2G66DP.125 is a dual 2-input NOR Gate made by Nexperia. It is part of their 74HCT logic family, which are designed for high-speed CMOS logic operations. This device has two independent logic gates, each of which has two inputs, an output, and a power supply. It is designed to operate from a single voltage supply ranging from 2 to 6 V, allowing for a wide range of applications. The gate output is open-drain, making it ideal for driving open-collector or open-emitter output devices. Its low-power consumption makes it ideal for low-power applications, such as battery-operated devices or systems. It has a fast switch-on and switch-off time, making it suitable for high-speed logic operations. Because it is a CMOS device, it has a high level of noise protection. This device is RoHS compliant. The maximum current rating of this part is 75 mA.