The 74LVC1G126GV.125 is a single, non-inverting buffer gate from Nexperia's 74LVC series of logic ICs. Designed for use in applications where low-voltage, low-power operation is desired, the 74LVC1G126GV.125 has a single input and a single, non-inverting output. It operates with supply voltages of just 1.65V to 1.95V, while still providing up to 32-mA source/sink current capability and propagation delays as fast as 5.5 ns. The low-power operation of the 74LVC1G126GV.125 is ideal for battery-powered systems and other applications where power efficiency is paramount. This device also offers latch-up protection, which keeps it safe from external ESD and other incoming voltages. Additionally, the 74LVC1G126GV.125 is compatible with all standard logic families, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.