X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of GU126X64F-K612A4 Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. GU126X64F-K612A4 Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD are a product manufactured by Noritake. We provide cost-effective solutions for Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

GU126X64F-K612A4 Noritake

GU126X64F-K612A4 electronic component of Noritake
GU126X64F-K612A4 Noritake
GU126X64F-K612A4 Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD
GU126X64F-K612A4  Optoelectronics

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. GU126X64F-K612A4
Manufacturer: Noritake
Category: Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD
Description: VFD MODULE, 126X64, GRAPHIC
Datasheet: GU126X64F-K612A4 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 190.0728 ea
Line Total: USD 190.07 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 12 Mar to Tue. 18 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 190.0728
5 : USD 172.6708
10 : USD 169.2201

Product Category
Operating Temperature Range
Viewing Area H X W
Character Format
Supply Voltage Min
Supply Voltage Max
Supply Current
Operating Temperature Min
Operating Temperature Max
Interface Type
External Depth
External Length / Height
External Width
Supply Voltage Range
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the GU126X64F-K612A4 from our Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the GU126X64F-K612A4 and other electronic components in the Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD category and beyond.

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Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD 7000 SERIES 128X32 57.45 X 13.93 DISP
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Stock Image GU128X32D-7003
Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD 7000 SERIES 128X32 57.45 X 13.93 DISP
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Stock Image GU128X64-800B
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Stock : 53
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Stock Image GU128X64D-7000
Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD 7000 Series 128X64 57.5 X 28.7 DISP
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Stock Image GU128X64D-K610A8
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Stock Image GU128X8T-K612C5
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Stock Image GU128x18F-K612A2
Vacuum Fluorescent Displays - VFD
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Image Part-Description
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Stock Image GU128X64D-K610A8
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Dot Graphic VFD Module GU126x64F-K612A4 126 x 64 High Brightness Dot Graphic Display The module includes the VFD glass, VF drivers and micro- Single 5V DC Supply controller with refresh RAM, character generation, interface logic 3 ASCII Fonts ( 5 x 5, 5 x 7, and 10 x 14 ) and patented transformerless DC/DC converter. The RS232 serial SPI & RS232 Asynchronous Serial Interface interface is full duplex and accepts various baud rates up to 38,400. 8 User I/O Pins with Key Scanning Capability The module features a low profile design with numerous custom Transformerless PSU (patent pending) options available including special fonts and application specific Low Profile Construction commands. 2.5 Dimensions in mm & subject to tolerances. 41.45 66.0 72.0 Mounting holes 3.2mm dia. CON1 1 12.28 1 CON2 1.6 3.0 26.0 83.05 12.9 max 123.0 3.0 129.0 CHARACTER SETS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION MINI FONT (PROPORTIONAL SPACING) Parameter Symbol Value Condition Power Supply Voltage VDD 5.0VDC +/- 5% GND=0V Power Supply Current IDD 750 mA typ. VDD=5VDC RS232 Input VsIL / VsIH -24V max / +24V max VDD=5VDC RS232 Output VsOL / VsOH -5VDC min / +5VDC min VDD=5VDC Logic Input VIL / VIH 0.8VDC max / 2.0VDC min VDD=5VDC Logic Output VOL / VOH 0.5VDC max / 2.4VDC min IOH=-2.0mA OPTICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATION 5x7 & 10x14 FONTS (FIXED SPACING) Parameter Value Display Area (X xYmm) 83.05 x 41.45 Dot Size/Pitch (XxY mm) 0.5 x 0.5 / 0.65 x 0.65 Luminance 600 cd/m (200 fL) Typ. Colour of Illumination Blue-Green (505nm) Operating Temperature -40 C to +85 C Storage Temperature -40 C to +85 C Operating Humidity 20 to 85% RH 25 C Optical filters can provide violet, red, yellow, blue & green output. SOFTWARE COMMANDS CON1 CON2 Hex Command Hex Command Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 01-07 Run Macro 19 Reset 1VDD 1/SS 6MISO 08 Backspace 1A + data Write Mode 2 RXD (RS232 in) 20V 7 SCK 09 Horizontal Tab 1B + macro+len+data Set Macro 30V 3VDD 8/IRQ 0A Line Feed 1B + 4D Erase All Macros 4 TXD (RS232 out) 4/RES 9-16P0-P7 0B Home 1B + 4C/55 Lock/Unlock EEPROM 5 MB (RS232 out) 5MOSI 0C Vertical Tab 1B + 43 Request Checksum 6 HB (RS232 in) 0D Carriage Return 1B + 50/46 Power On/Off The Module Busy line (MB) indicates the module is busy 0E Clear End of Line 1B + 48/42 Hex Write On/Off when low. If handshaking is not required, connect the Host 0F Test 1B + 49 + data Set Comms Busy (HB) input to the Module Busy output. 10 + x + y Cursor Position 1B + 44 + data Enable I/O Port 11 +xl+yt+xr+yb Set Area 1B + 4F + data Set Port Lines Connect MISO and MOSI at power-up to enable the test 12 +xl+yt+xr+yb Clear Area 1B + 52 Read Port mode and restore factory defaults. 13 +xl+yt+xr+yb Invert Area 1B + 4B Enable key scanning CONTACT 14 +xl+yt+xr+yb Set Outline 1B + F8-FF Brightness Noritake Sales Office Tel Nos 15 +xl+yt+xr+yb Clear Outline 1C / 1D / 1E Select Font Nagoya Japan: +81 (0)52-561-9867 *1 Canada: +1-416-291-2946 16 Set Pixel 1F +xl+yl+xr+yb+data Graphic Area Write Chicago USA: +1-847-439-9020 17 Clear Pixel 20 - 7F Character Write Munchen (D): +49 (0)89-3214-290 *1 Itron UK: +44 (0)1493 601144 Applies to version 3 software only. 18 Graphic Write Rest Europe: +49 (0)61-0520-9220 www.noritake-itron.com The module defaults to an 8 line of 21 character display using the 5x7 font with single pixel spacing. The cursor position auto increments after each character write. The bottom left of a character is Subject to change without notice. placed at the cursor x,y. To send commands as hexadecimal, prefix the 2 bytes using character 60H. IUK Doc. No. 003943 Iss.2 Example: 10 3F 01 = Position dot x=63 y=1. To send character 60H to the display, send 60H twice. 22 Jan 03 NORITAKE ITRON VFD MODULES GU126x64F-K612A4Dot Graphic VFD Module GU126x64F-K612A4 SOFTWARE COMMANDS Instruction Data Format Description Macro Start 01H - 07H Start user defined macro 1-7. (BUSY time depends on contents) Backspace 08H Non destructive backspace. Cursor is moved left by the width of the currently select font. If the cursor is at (50 s) the left end of the display, no cursor movement is made. Horizontal Tab 09H Cursor is moved right by the width of the currently select font. If the cursor is at the end of the display, no (50 s) cursor movement is made. Line Feed 0AH Moves the cursor down by the height of the currently selected font. If the cursor is at the bottom of the (50us) display, no cursor movement is made. Home 0BH Moves the cursor horizontal position to 00H, the vertical positioning is dependent on the currently selected (50us) font, allowing for immediate character writing in the top-left corner of the display. Vertical Tab 0CH Moves the cursor up one character row. If the cursor is at the top of the top end of the display, no cursor (50us) movement is made. Carriage Return 0DH Moves the cursor horizontal position to 00H. The vertical position is unchanged. (50us) Clear EOL 0EH Clear all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the display. (3ms) Test 0FH Place module into self-test mode. The module will repetitively show a few test screens. The test mode will (50 s) exist on the next received byte. Cursor Position 10H + xpos + ypos Set the cursor position. (50us) Set Area 11H + xleft + ytop + xright + ybot Fill specified area. All dots within the specified area are illuminated. Please note that the cursor position is (50us + 2ms last byte ) affected with this command. Clear Area 12H + xleft + ytop + xright + ybot Clear specified area. All dots within the specified area are cleared. Please note that the cursor position is (50us + 2ms last byte ) affected with this command. Invert Area 13H + xleft + ytop + xright + ybot Invert specified area. All dots within the specified area are inverted. Please note that the cursor position is (50us + 2ms last byte ) affected with this command. Set Outline 14H + xleft + ytop + xright + ybot Draw box outline. All dots within the specified outline are unchanged. Please note that the cursor position is (50us + 2ms last byte ) affected with this command. Clear Outline 15H + xleft + ytop + xright + ybot Clear box outline. All dots within the specified outline are unchanged. Please note that the cursor position is (50us + 2ms last byte ) affected with this command. Set Pixel 16H Illuminate a single pixel at the current cursor position. (50us) Clear Pixel 17H Clear a single pixel at the current cursor position. (50us) Graphic Write 18H + len + data Write graphical data, length len, direct to display. See write mode command (1AH) for graphic orientation (50us + 350us each data byte ) and cursor movements. Reset 19H Resets display to power-on defaults: - Display is cleared. 5x7 font selected. Write Mode = 00H (1ms) Brightness Level = 7. VFD Power = On. Write Mode 1AH + data Bit 7 = graphic data orientation - 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical (default = horizontal) (50us) Bit 6 = cursor movement - 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical (default = horizontal) Bit 5 = cursor direction - 0 = forward, 1 = backwards (default = forwards) Bit 4 = underscore cursor - 0 = off, 1 = on (default = off) Bit 3 = underscore cursor - 0 = static, 1 = flash (default = static) Bit 1/0 = pen type - 00 = overwrite, 01 = AND, 02 = OR, 03 = XOR (default = overwrite) Set Macro 1BH + macro + len + data Send macro data to EEPROM. macro = 00H - 07H. Macro0 is executed at power-up only. A maximum of 480 (50us 1BH , 10ms macro , 50us bytes is allowed for macro data. The display may flicker whilst writing macro data. len , 5ms data , 20ms last byte ) Brightness 1BH + level Set the display brightness. level = F8H - FFH. F8H = display off. F9H = minimum, FFH = maximum (default). (50us) Erase Macros 1BH + 4DH Clear all downloaded macros in EEPROM. Screen may blank momentarily while macro data is being erased. (100ms) Lock/Unlock EEPROM 1BH + 4CH / 55H All data contained within the non-volatile EEPROM is locked (4CH), and no changes are possible until the (50us + 5ms last byte ) unlock command (55H) is executed. Checksum 1BH + 43H All data received is added to the checksum. This command will read the lower 8-bits of that checksum, (50us) before being cleared. Please note that the checksum is cleared when executing the test mode. Power On/Off 1BH + 50H / 46H 50H = Turn on VFD power supply (default). (50us) 46H = Turn off VFD power supply, displays contents will be preserved. Hex/Binary Mode 1BH + 48H / 42H 48H = Enable hex receive mode, character 60H is interpreted as a hexadecimal prefix. (50us) 42H = Disable hex receive mode. Hex mode is enabled at power up. Set Comms 1BH + 49H + data Set asynchronous communication baud rate and parity. Takes effect at power-up or hardware reset. (50us + 5ms last byte ) Bit 7 = Automatic I/O send (0=off, 1=on). Bits 1&0 = baud rate (00=4800, 01=9600, 02=19200, 03=38400). Bit 2 = Parity (1=even, 0=none) (factory default = 19200 with no parity, automatic I/O send is off) Enable I/O Port 1BH + 44H + data Set I/O port direction. A 1 indicates an input, a 0 an output. All output lines are immediately set low. All (50us + 5ms last byte ) input lines have their pull-ups enabled. This value is store in EEPROM and will automatically be set at power up. Set Port Lines 1BH + 4FH + data Set Output lines on I/O port, a 1 will set 5V on the output ports, or enable the pull-ups on the inputs. (50us) Read Port 1BH + 52H Read current I/O port status. A single byte is transmitted showing the current state of the I/O lines. (50us) Enable Key Scanning 1BH + 4BH Set I/O port to key scanning. The I/O ports are continuously scanned for any key press. This mode is stored (50us + 5ms last byte ) in EEPROM and will automatically be selected at power up. Select Font (50us) 1CH / 1DH / 1EH Select font. 1CH = proportional mini font. 1DH= fixed spaced 5x7 font. 1EH = fixed spaced 10x14 font. Graphic Area Write 1FH + xl + yt + xr + yb + data Write graphic data within defined area. See write mode command (1AH) for graphic orientation and cursor (50us + 350us each data byte ) movements. Note: This command is available on software version 3 only. Hex Prefix 60H + dhH + dlH Write to the display module using a 2-byte hexadecimal number. dhH = high nibble, dlH = low nibble. (50us + 50us + command BUSY) E.g. Sending 19 will reset the display. Character Write (800us) 20H - 7FH Display character from selected font. Notes: - Busy times are not inclusive of a 100us scan period, this must be taken into consideration. If the cursor is enabled, busy times will increase by a further 50us. All coordinates are absolute. The origin (00H, 00H) is the top left of the display. All data shown is in hexadecimal format. NORITAKE ITRON VFD MODULES GU126x64F-K612A4

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