The FS32K146UAT0VLQT is an integrated circuit (IC) with ARM microcontrollers produced by NXP Semiconductors. It is employed for general purpose applications due to the features of Arm Cortex-M4F cores which it comprises. It is designed specifically to offer advanced features and integrated functionalities demanding low power consumption and long life cycles. This NXP processor has all the features as well as a wide range of system peripherals necessary to build embedded applications of improved performance. It includes Security CSEc, 1MB flash memory, FlexIO, CAN-FD and low-power FPU with an integrated DSP blocks. It operates at 112 MHz with low-power modes (LPM) and also support various external memories and buses (including Quad-SPI and I2S). The processor also includes LQFP144 packages with additional features and a variety of development tools. The FS32K146UAT0VLQT with ARM microcontroller can be used for multiple applications including automotive, audio, home automation, industrial, medical, power management and many more.