The LPC2378FBD144,551 is an integrated circuit manufactured by NXP featuring an ARM7® LPC2300 Microcontroller IC core clocked at 72MHz. The IC integrates 512KB of Flash memory with a 512K x 8-bit configuration and is packaged as a 144-LQFP (20x20) QFP. The ARM7® 32-bit processor core features an enhanced Harvard architecture that consistently delivers high performance for demanding applications, such as networking, digital audio and telecommunications. The device also features enhanced interrupt-handling capabilities (with up to 16 interrupt channels) and includes a wide range of on-chip peripherals, including 1x CAN, (2) x UARTs, (4) x I2C modules, (2) x SPI modules, 8-channel, 10-bit A/D converter, and a DMA controller. The device is RoHS compliant and is suitable for a wide range of applications.