The PH3230CL,115 part is a low-cost, low-power, ultra-low-voltage 32-bit embedded microprocessing unit (MPU) manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. It is ideal for applications requiring an efficient footprint with low power requirements. This MPU includes an embedded SRX32 instruction set, 2 kB of RAM, 32 to 256 kB of flash memory, and several external I/O components. The PH3230CL,115 is capable of functioning at a wide range of supply voltages, from as low as 0.8V to as high as 3.3V. In addition, the 5V tolerant I/O pins on the PH3230CL,115, allow it to be interfaced directly with 5V devices.
Other features of the part include many low-power modes, a CR16 instruction set architecture with wide variety of instructions, and multiple communication interfaces such as I2C, UART, SPI and CAN. Its small package options, excellent performance, and wide input voltage range make the PH3230CL,115 a popular and reliable option for embedded applications.