FAN1852MX is an integrated dual channel MOSFET driver from ON Semiconductor. It is designed to drive both high-side and low-side N-channel MOSFETs with a wide input voltage range of 6 to 32V, and capable of peak output currents up to 8A. The device includes the features needed for synchronous buck topologies, typical of those found in SMPS, and automotive applications such as powertrain, body and infotainment. It has a low-side non-charge pump architecture, fast 41ns gate fall times, gate driver current dead-time, and variable soft start.
In addition, FAN1852MX incorporates a user-programmable over current protection, as well as undervoltage and overvoltage protection. The device also has a combinational diagnosis system (COMBO) with over temp and UVLO protection, hot swap between two power sources, and a weE-mode operation for increased efficiency. The device features a low EMI noise operation and efficient driving operation with current limit and PWM dimming support. It is available in QFN-20 and SOIC-20 packages.