NC7SZU04 TinyLogic UHS Unbuffrered Inverter October 2009 NC7SZU04 TinyLogic UHS Unbuffered Inverter Features Description The NC7SZU04 is a single unbuffered inverter from Unbuffered for Crystal Oscillator and Analog Fairchilds Ultra-High Speed series of TinyLogic. The Applications special purpose unbuffered circuit design is primarily Balanced Output Drive: 16mA at 4.5V V CC intended for crystal oscillator or analog applications. The device is fabricated with advanced CMOS Broad V Operating Range: 1.65V to 5.5V CC technology to achieve ultra-high speed with high output Matches Performance of LCX Operated at 3.3V V CC drive while maintaining low static power dissipation over a broad V operating range. The device is specified to CC Low Quiescent Power: I <2A, V =5.5V, CC CC operate over the 1.65V to 5.5V V range. CC T =25C A Ultra-Small MicroPak Packages Space-Saving SOT23 and SC70 Packages Ordering Information Eco Part Number Top Mark Package Packing Method Status 3000 Units on NC7SZU04M5X 7ZU4 RoHS 5-Lead SOT23, JEDEC MO-178 1.6mm Tape & Reel 3000 Units on NC7SZU04P5X ZU4 RoHS 5-Lead SC70, EIAJ SC-88a, 1.25mm Wide Tape & Reel 5000 Units on NC7SZU04L6X C5 RoHS 6-Lead MicroPak, 1.00mm Wide Tape & Reel 5000 Units on NC7SZU04FHX C5 Green 6-Lead, MicroPak2, 1x1mm Body, .35mm Pitch Tape & Reel For Fairchilds definition of Eco Status, please visit: NC7SZU04 TinyLogic UHS Unbuffered Inverter Connection Diagrams IEEE/IEC Figure 1. Logic Symbol Pin Configurations Figure 2. SC70 and SOT23 (Top View) Figure 3. MicroPak (Top Through View) Pin Definitions Pin SC70 / SOT23 Pin MicroPak Name Description 1 1,5 NC No Connect 2 2 A Input 3 3 GND Ground 4 4 Y Output 5 6 V Supply Voltage CC Function Table Y= /A Inputs Output A Y L H H L H = HIGH Logic Level L = LOW Logic Level 1996 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation NC7SZU04 Rev. 1.0.2 2