NUS2401SNT1 Integrated PNP/NPN Digital Transistors Array This new option of integrated digital transistors is designed to replace a discrete solution array of three transistors and their external resistor bias network. BRTs (Bias Resistor Transistors) contain a NUS2401SNT1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted: T = 25C for typical values, common for Q1, Q2, and Q3, minus signed for Q3 (PNP) omitted.) J Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS CollectorBase Cutoff Current (V = 50 V, I = 0) I 100 nAdc CB E CBO CollectorEmitter Cutoff Current (V = 50 V, I = 0) I 500 nAdc CE B CEO EmitterBase Cutoff Current (V = 6.0 V, I = 0) Q3 I 500 A CE C EBO Q1, Q2 0.1 CollectorBase Breakdown Voltage (I = 10 A, I = 0) V 50 V C E (BR)CBO CollectorEmitter Breakdown Voltage (Note 1) V 50 V (BR)CEO (I = 2.0 mA, I = 0) C B ON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) DC Current Gain Q3 h 35 60 FE Q1, Q2 150 350 CollectorEmitter Saturation Voltage V Vdc CE(sat) (I = 10 mA, I = 0.3 mA) Q3 0.25 C B (I = 10 mA, I = 1.0 mA) Q1, Q2 0.25 C B Output Voltage (on) (V = 5.0 V, V = 2.5 V, R = 1.0 k ) V 0.2 V CC B L OL Output Voltage (off) (V = 5.0 V, V = 0.25 V, R = 1.0 k ) V 4.9 V CC B L OH Input Resistor Q3 R1 7.0 10 13 k Q1, Q2 0.13 0.175 0.22 Resistor Ratio Q3 R1/R2 1.0 Q1, Q2 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width < 300 s, Duty Cycle < 2%.