Pololu High-Power Motor Driver 36v9 Overview The Pololu high-power motor driver is a discrete MOSFET H-bridge designed to drive large DC brushed motors. The H-bridge is made up of one N-channel MOSFET per leg, and most of the boards performance is determined by these MOSFETs (the rest of the board contains the circuitry to take user inputs and control the MOSFETs). The MOSFET datasheet is available under the Resources tab. The absolute maximum voltage for this motor driver is 50 V. Under normal operating conditions, ripple voltage on the supply line can raise the maximum voltage to more than the average or intended voltage, so a safe maximum voltage is approximately 44 V. Note: Battery voltages can be much higher than nominal voltages when they are charged, so the maximum battery voltage we recommend is 36 V unless appropriate measures are taken to limit the peak voltage. The versatility of this driver makes it suitable for a large range of currents and voltages: it can deliver up to 9 A of continuous current with a board size of only 1.3 by 0.8 and no required heat sink. With the addition of a heat sink, it can drive a motor with up to about 12 A of continuous current. The module offers a simple interface that requires as little as two I/O lines while allowing for both sign-magnitude and locked-antiphase operation. Integrated detection of various short- circuit conditions protects against common causes of catastrophic failure however, please note that the board does not include reverse power protection or any over-current or over-temperature protection. Using the Motor Driver Connections The motor and motor power connections are on one side of the board, and the control connections (5V logic) are on the other side. The motor supply should be capable of supplying high current, and a large capacitor should be installed close to the motor driver. The included axial capacitor can be installed directly on the board in the pins labeled + and - as shown below. Such installations are compact but might limit heat sinking options also, depending on the power supply quality and motor characteristics, a larger capacitor might be required. There are two options for connecting to the high-power signals (V+, OUTA, OUTB, GND): large holes on 0.2 centers, which are compatible with the included terminal blocks, and pairs of 0.1 -spaced holes that can be used with perfboards, breadboards, and 0.1 connectors.Warning: Take proper safety precautions when using high-power electronics. Make sure you know what you are doing when using high voltages or currents During normal operation, this product can get hot enough to burn you. Take care when handling this product or other components connected to it. The logic connections are designed to interface with 5V systems (5.5 V max) the minimum high input signal threshold is 3.5 V, so we do not recommend connecting this device directly to a 3.3 V controller. In a typical configuration, only PWM and DIR are required. The two fault flag pins (FF1 and FF2) can be monitored to detect problems (see the Fault Flag Table below for more details). The RESET pin is pulled up to V+ through a 20 k resistor. When held low, it puts the driver into a low-power sleep mode and clears any latched fault flags. The V+ pin on the logic side of the board gives you access to monitor the motors power supply (it should not be used for high current). The board also provides a regulated 5 V pin which can provide a few milliamps (this is typically insufficient for a whole control circuit but can be useful as a reference or for very low-power microcontrollers). Pinout PIN Default State Description This is the main 5.5 50 V (absolute max) motor power supply connection, which should typically be made to the larger V+ pad. The smaller V+ pad along the long side of the board is V+ intended for a power supply capacitor, and the smaller V+ pad on the logic side of the board gives you access to monitor the motors power supply (it should not be used for high current). This regulated 5V output provides a few milliamps. This output should not be connected to other external power supply lines. 5V (out) Be careful not to accidentally short this pin to the neighboring V+ pin while power is being supplied as doing so will instantly destroy the board GND Ground connection for logic and motor power supplies. OUTA A motor output pin. OUTB B motor output pin.